YEA!!!! | Arthritis Information


Yea for my husband and son!! They finally cleaned and filled my hot tub for me.  I have been trying since the first of the month to get them to do this for me so I can see if it helps with my joints.My parents have a hot tub and I LOVE it.  They had one built in at their old house and my mom would get in it several times a day.  I think it helps tremendously.  It is the only place I can really exercise much these days.  ENJOY!  You are going to love it. Not to put a damper on it but... a hot tub is too close to being a bath or is that swimming?

My family wanted to get me a hot tub once. Only if they get me oxygen tanks, scuba gear, etc. I have a terrible fear of water. There is noooo waaay they are getting me in one. I much prefer a hot shower(that is when I can stand up in one if I'm not in too much pain.)

Seriously, I hope you enjoy the benefits of it and it helps you out.

Well, in my defense,   The hot tub at my parents house could hold like 35 people or more and has an island in the middle.  You can stretch, float and swim.  :)  I can stretch in the hot water with no weight bearing.  (it is in a retirement community)

The one at their old house was small, but their retirement home is huge.  :)

Yall make me so jealous. I belong to Ballys and they have a hot tub. Me and my husband were working out one weekday morning and I mentioned going to the hot tub. He looked over towards the hot tub where about 5 older, really heavy guys were relaxing and said "I'm not going in there, it's a sausage fest!" That totally turned me off to the hot tub. I know it is in my head, but I just cant shake the thought of those guys simmering like brawts in a pan of beer. Bubble bubble bubble!

I'm gonna work on that little mental block though. I just have to keep repeating "It is chlorinated, the water is chlorinated"haha~ it is always the luck of the draw where we go.  My parents tease me that I am going to get a date there.  I am 33 and it's a 55 plus community.  Emphasis on plus. 
It is easier to go in if it's empty or not crowded.  Have you tried the sauna?  That would be less mentally disturbing. 
Hot tubs are great for RA. You have to be a little careful about which hot tub you use especially if you're on immune suppressant meds. I wouldn't want to use one at just any place especially if I had any cuts or sores. But a private one or a familly one is great.  We have a tub with jacuzzi jets and that's great too.  Have fun.Luckily for me I have my own private hot tub but it's not big enough to float in. Soaked my old bones in it last night and AHHHH! Didn't take the joint pain away but helped alot with the tense muscles from the pain. I think this will be a nightly excursion.Maybe I need to look into buying one. I do have a really big garden tub. I  could maybe get one of those portable units for that. Or just find a better time to use the one at the gym...I am too claustrophobic for the sauna/steam room. It has a window on the door, but I still could not go in b/c the steam decreases the visability. Yeah, I'm weird.I AM SOOO JEALOUS!!!!!! I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE A HOT TUB!!!!!! I REALLY NEVER THOUGHT MUCH ABOUT THE IMMUNE THING AND GETTING IN ONE AT AT MOTEL!!!!!! DEFINATELY SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT. I WOULD GET THE SPA STUFF TO PUT IN THE TUB BUT I DON'T KNOW IF I COULD GET OUT OF IT, ONCE I GOT IN. NOT ENOUGH STRENGTH IN THE HANDS AND WRIST. ANYONE OUT THERE HAVE ONE OF THOSE? I DO HAVE A POOL WE PUT UP EVERY YEAR AND I DO SWEAR BY IT. IT IS HARD TO GET IN AND OUT OF SOMETIMES WITH THAT LADDER BUT I DO IT. I AM ALSO THINKING ABOUT GETTING INVOLVED IN THE YMCA AND THEIR WATER AREBOICS EXERCISE PROGRAM.Melody, the water aroebics classes are a great idea. It's especially nice if it's in warm water.  I go to an arthritis exercise class at our local sports center. You just have to start very slowly and not be put off by all the senior citizens that are in better shape than us.Gosh Linda, I was just intimidated by the people my age with the hot bods, thanks for reminding me about all the little old ladies who look hot too! I dont know when I will make it up to the Gym. The water classes are in the evening and on Sat mornings when the place is full of people. Maybe I could get one of those scuba know, to hide all of the cellulite!