What a day | Arthritis Information


What a day,  yesterday it was over 103, and Comer had to go to two doctors, long waits, the cell phone was dead and could'nt get it fix, the heat was making my rash itch.  I'm    black and blue, looks like someone beat me.  I was setting in the kidney doctor's office feeling so sorry  for myself,  I hurt, all I want to do is go home and lay down,  poor me, then a lady come out,  who I could see was in a lot of pain, her legs and feet look like they were going to pop.  Poor thing,  but I hurt too.  Then a man walked in,  He had no arms,  I tried not to look, so  I looked down and seen his legs,  so badly scared and deformed,  I looked away but couldn't stop thinking about him.  He said something about he forgot his glasses and couldn't see.  I looked over and seen his face, and could clearly  see it had been redone and still needed a lot of work.  What in the world could have happen to him,  He didn't look burned.   

It has made me think,  This could happen to anyone of us,  You never know what tomorrow will bring.  Im in pretty good shape to be an old woman with RA.  At least I have arms that itch.  and pain pills to ease the pain.
Great post Rusty. It's unfortunate, but sometimes it takes something like you witnessed yesterday to put it all in perspective. I have had my share of pity parties, but thinking of those so much worse off than myself usually helps ease the funk. Each day that passes that I can move about is a blessing for many cannot. So very well said Rusty.
Nice post, Rusty! Nice post Rusty! Thanks for helping me to remember that I am blessed despite this RA.
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