Shoulder Arthritis? What Patients Need To Know | Arthritis Information


The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) has approved and released an evidence-based clinical practice guideline on "The Treatment of Glenohumeral Joint Osteoarthritis." This major joint in the shoulder - the ball and socket joint - is sometimes affected by osteoarthritis, causing pain, loss of function, and reduced quality of life.

According to Rolando Izquierdo, MD, chair of the Academy work group on glenohumeral joint osteoarthritis,
shoulder replacement surgery has been routinely performed since the 1970s for patients with advanced osteoarthritis of the shoulder. A review of the literature supports the use of both total and partial shoulder replacement for this population.

"The literature suggests, though, that pain relief is better and motion is better with total joint replacements than with partial replacements," says Dr. Izquierdo. "We also have to consider the 14 percent failure rate of partial replacements, which then require revision to total replacements. This revision is required due to progressive
arthritis and pain.
