Prednisone and Mood | Arthritis Information


I don't know if it is my imagination, but I feel sort of an angry burst of energy right in the hour or two after I take my pred.  I also feel more emotional than usual. 

Did you get mood swings from pred?  I read that it is a side effect. 

I am functional to move, but I am emotionally so up and down I feel like I am losing my mind sometimes.  I am trying to get my head around this and do what I can, but some days, like today, it is hard to make sense of what is going to happen to my life with this RA.

I wonder if I have depression as a result of everything, or if it is the drug.  I have been a mess every since I started being in pain a few months ago, and each day is a challenge to try to feel normal and not dwell on the 'bad'.

What about you guys?  Tell me I am not the only crazy one, pleeeeaase.



I sort of felt like that when I first started Pred., But I have been on all the Psuedo drugs and they dont make things better, at least not for me.

I started taking my meds< Pred included just right before I go to bed. This has helped me alot. I dont have the ups and downs emotionally that I was having. I know that there is an enzyme that might show up on blood testing, if yours went that far in testing, that if high it causes anger, my was way up if I can I will look back thru and get the name of it and you can check on your tests. Right now Im on my way to Columbia to see the spine doc in the am for my back, Ill be back late wed night and look then.

Hope you fell better.

Sorry feel better, not fell bette, no one needs to fall, just more pain. LOLPrednisone takes some getting used to. I notice mood swings if I lower or raise my dossage. I think the depression just comes with RA.  I now find that I feel better when I take the prednisone first thing in the morning.   It gives me a little jolt of energy. If you take it at night it can cause insomnia.  Take it a day at a time.  Easy for me to say since I'm having a pretty good day.  I felt really depressed yesterday.

I didnt have any changes in my mood from the Prednisone. Well, I did have a couple of break-downs but I think it was from the worry of the dx and the whole $$$ issue since I couldnt go to work. I didnt have any weirdness- I mean no more than usual, and I dont think any mood swings. Although I've been called a "moody b@#ch" on a few occaisions anyways!Well, I am feeling a lot better.  I am having worries about the expenses of this disease.  I think that sort of got me going.  But I do feel irritated when I take the pill for an hour or so. 

I am good about my temper, I internalize.  I have learned to let myself blow up when I am alone.  Fortunately, my job is low stress and I get to work from home a lot.  So I do have so much to stay positive about -- not to mention one remarkable kid.  I am very lucky in that regard.  She's so easy to be a mom to.  I think I won the lottery on kids.

I realize it's a rollercoaster, and I will hang on for the ride.  :)
One other option would be to keep it at bedside and take it about 2-3 hours before you have to get up in the am. I was doing that for a while with mine and some asprine too. That way I was already getting some relief before getting out of bed. Maybe you could bypass the irritation and get a little boost that way too. I had to quit taking the pred for this reason.  My anger was out of control and the longer I took it the worse the anger got.  I was scared I would actually hurt someone (seriously).  My rheumy took me off of it as soon as I told him about it and now I can only take low doses (no more than 5mg) and no longer than about 5 days at a time decreasing the dose daily of course.  I can only say it's no fun not being able to take it for flares but certainly no fun being a raving lunatic from it either.  Hugs and good vibes.  