How can I restored Normal Iron levels | Arthritis Information


I need to find a way to restore my Iron levels.  I was told I was anemic years ago after my knee replacement in 2003.  I have had an endoscopy and a colonscopy just to see if I had internal bleeding. Now it is 2010 and my blood levels are still low.  I crave Ice at certain times and I am ALWAYS Cold....  I really need to find a way to up these levels.  I have taken Iron supplements but find they make my consitpated even if I take a stool softner.  I went to a specialist and he wanted me to take Iron with fosforate. "spelling" I'm getting really tired of not being able to still to something that I really works and I can feel the differance.  I am an African-American and most of my family can tell how pale I am over the years.  I really want to get this condition under control.  I take I believe enough Vitamin C 1000mg everyday.  I just need something that is not going to constipate me.

Sorry for the gorrie details.  Help please..
Dx 1996
RA 14 yrs
Meds Orenica, Folic Acid, Prednisone, Vitiamin C, Vitamin D
Try taking Citrucel regularly. when I have issues w/ anemia..
I drink prune and orange juices mixed..  my Gram's recipe.
the VIt C helps you absorb more of the iron in the prune juice.
It is natural... it is good for you.. doesn't taste that bad at all...  and it works!!
I have low iron too, and my ferritin is about 3. I have a colonoscopy scheduled for next month (eww!) My problem is that iron supplements make me go go go (opposite of constipation)
I think RA patients are just low in iron. Never hurts to get everything checked though.
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