Do I Dare Ask? | Arthritis Information


I think this is a sensitive subject for some, but do I dare ask? 

I am curious if anyone that has moderate to severe RA, has tried different meds like Methotrexate etc. , has been in serious pain, not just sore joints for a few days then it disappears for weeks- months, but people that really deal with RA on a daily basis, and it's affecting their quality of living....if anyone in that cateogory has tried this AP Therapy , or Minocine etc. and had it actually help enough to feel a difference?
I ran into the post between Lev Larry , Pip and a few others arguing about AP was amusing to say the least, but , I did learn a lot by reading it. I ordered the book out of curiousity.
So anyone out there in the moderate to severe cateogory actually have good results ? wondering if I should give it a shot? But , It does make me wonder why the 3 Rheumy's I've seen never even brought this subject up as part of the therapy to try, or even a drug to try for RA.
[quote]It does make me wonder why the 3 Rheumy's I've seen never even brought this subject up as part of the therapy to try, or even a drug to try for RA. [/quote]

try to find a study that shows RA patients.. not any other arthritis.... that have been helped, cured, whatever.... by AP therapy.... there are none.   There are only grand promises and empty beliefs.

and prepare for the onslaught of PM's to your mailbox

Well, I dont want to be harrassed about the subject(Getting tons of PM's from people that Don't have RHEUMATOID Arthritis) but I do want to know if there are any RA patients that have had success with this... It doesnt seem there are and that it has only worked for mild , other types of arthritis.


Well, I dont want to be harrassed about the subject(Getting tons of PM's from people that Don't have RHEUMATOID Arthritis) but I do want to know if there are any RA patients that have had success with this... It doesnt seem there are and that it has only worked for mild , other types of arthritis.

I think what you will find is that there are several people here and on other boards who use  Minocin as a part of combination therapy to treat their RA.
As I remember, Waddie used or uses Minocin as part of her combination therapy..
In my opinion,  combination therapy really does work when you have RA
And yes, Minocin is clasified as a  DMARD to be used to treat mild RA.  It helps to reduce the inflammation asssociated with RA.
Lynn492010-07-24 04:12:11I am also just learning.  It stands for Antibiotic Protocol Therapy,  i.e. treat RA with antibiotics.

The most focused information I have found is at
Here is the corresponding forum:
Note I said "most focused", which does not imply "best".  It seems to be controversial and is used to treat a variety of disorders, not just RA.  I get worried when I read very firm statements such as  " it worked for me" since this is testimony of the worst kind, and is not evidence.   But who knows; sometimes doctors assume they know the best, sometimes the patient knows best.  But honestly in my cursory study, I haven't seen anything that defines the mechanism by which the antibiotic works or even if there is some microbe that is affected by the antibiotic.

Also just do a web search on "AP Therapy" and you'll see other writings pop up.

I plan to see what my Dr. says.


Here's my two cents.  I have noticed that when I have a sinus infection and go on antibiotics, my joints feel better.

Six years ago, I was on long term, low dose antibiotics for acne.  Again I also noticed that my joints felt better.  However I also noticed that after several months, I did not like the uncontrollable diarrhea.  Especially in public places, like my office, friends' homes and summer outdoor events where I had to run cross legged to a foul port-a-potty.  Daily multi-servings of yogurt and acidophillus did not help that situation.

I'm no expert in the subject but that's my experience with long-term, low dose AP.
Green~Tara2010-07-24 15:12:39I feel the opposite.
I just started a round of antibiotics for an ear infection...
I feel like crap. Everything hurts.  I am due to take my next shot on Monday and I won't be able to.. that will make me feel worse.
Now.. I have very little disease activity thanks to my meds..  but why do I have more aching discomfort when on antibiotics?

[QUOTE=Ramen]I am also just learning.  It stands for Antibiotic Protocol Therapy,  i.e. treat RA with antibiotics.

The most focused information I have found is at
Here is the corresponding forum:
Note I said "most focused", which does not imply "best".  It seems to be controversial and is used to treat a variety of disorders, not just RA.  I get worried when I read very firm statements such as  " it worked for me" since this is testimony of the worst kind, and is not evidence.   But who knows; sometimes doctors assume they know the best, sometimes the patient knows best.  But honestly in my cursory study, I haven't seen anything that defines the mechanism by which the antibiotic works or even if there is some microbe that is affected by the antibiotic.

Also just do a web search on "AP Therapy" and you'll see other writings pop up.

I plan to see what my Dr. says.



you seem to be a very intelligent man.. looking at things with the logic and intelligence required to be certain that you learn all you need to and apply it best.
Thanks Lynn! I didnt realize Waddie takes Minocin?  Maybe Ill email her...
Green Tara: Thanks Hi Kelly!
I've been taking Minocin for my RA for over four years now. found me a GP who had used this protocol for 15 years.  I had very aggressive RA and it took about 2 years for all the pain to go but it did.  My labs still show no sign of RA and I am painfree.
My doctor said that I will be on Minocin the rest of my life and although I rather not have to take pills forever, I'm grateful to be in remission.
I take 100 milligrams twice a day, Mon. Wed. Fri.  along with a probiotic.
