New here and wanted to say HI | Arthritis Information


Hello everyone!!! I have read the boards for a few years but I am finally posting!!! I would like to thank you all for the imformation this board gives to many of us that feel soooo alone. I was diagnosed about 4 years ago with RA. I am on short term disability from work since January so I finally have time to post. I was working so many hours usually that I would just work , come home make dinner if I could and then go to bed and on weekends I would just be soo tired and sore I wouldn't get anything done. It is so nice to know that all of you are here!!!

Welcome aboard! SO glad you posted!




Hello dogtired,

your board name is cute

Welcome to AI.  I know what you mean about always being tired.  I was thinking that I would never get over being tired but I have improved somewhat.  Not enough to keep the old house spotless, not that I am inclined to think I want to.  I do like having RA when it comes to that...hehehe. But not my husband. 

Just take life easy, until you feel up to expending more energy. RA is here to stay.  You are going to have your up days and your down days.  We just need to figure out how to surf the waves and do what is only important.  The rest will fall in place. While on short term disability, learn what you can tolerate and what you can't.  Then when you feel you are ready to go back to work, you will know how to manage your life needs better.  Hang in there, it really does get better.  Just takes more time for some then others.

Glad you joined AI and I hope you will have an enjoyable time getting to know everyone.




Dogtired is a great name. It fits, for sure.

Welcome aboard. This is a really nice group of people, as you already
know. Great resource, too.

LeeHi DT...welcome! [QUOTE=dogtired] Hello everyone!!! I have read the boards for a few years but I am finally posting!!! I would like to thank you all for the imformation this board gives to many of us that feel soooo alone. I was diagnosed about 4 years ago with RA. I am on short term disability from work since January so I finally have time to post. I was working so many hours usually that I would just work , come home make dinner if I could and then go to bed and on weekends I would just be soo tired and sore I wouldn't get anything done. It is so nice to know that all of you are here!!![/QUOTE]

Hi and welcome. I know what you mean about feeling alone. I just found this board not too long ago and there are nice people here with good advice. Most importantly though is that they know what we're going through and we can share stories and laughs. Oh, and the occasional aches and pains.

Have a good day.Hello and welcome!Hi DT, glad you can come around more.  I hope your disability gives you the needed rest.  I felt like a mad woman before I found this board.  Now I am certain that I am a mad woman, but I am in good company.  :) They say that misery loves company---and some of us are in misery sometimes. The rest of the time they say anything about crazy loving company??