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Hello, my name is Judy band I was recently diagnosed with RA.  I have an appt with a Rheumatologist in a few weeks.  I am taking Naproxen for now to help with the pain and inflammation in my hands/wrists and ankles/feet.  It does not eliminate the pain but definitely subdues it.  The morning stiffness is the worst.

Reading and studying about this disease has been overwhelming considering I have always been active.  I run agility with my dogs weekly and I guess I'm scared and wondering if I will ever feel pain free again?  The fatigue is what bothers me the most.

Thanks for listening!

Hello Judy.. Sorry you needed to find us..

I don't know if pain free is a possibility..I am doing really well, but I am not painfree.

I hope you find a regimen that works for you....

Good luck!!
I think I'm still in shock hearing this news.  I feel like I should be waiting to die which is ridiculous!!! Hi Judy..welcome!

It does get better.
I am new here also.  I have been to the Rheumatologist once.  She ordered blood tests and xrays, and prescribed Celebrex (pain/inflammation which I don't have yet due to insurance snafu).   I have a follow up appt. this Wednesday where I hope to learn more.  This thing has me really down right now, painful to just walk to the other side of the house, duck walking.  Can't sleep for more than 1-2 hours at a time.  But I am really thankful for all the stories people have written here, that it gets better, and some reports of remissions.  Oh well, at least my wife won't make me walk through Nordstrom's right now.  [QUOTE=AgilityGirl]I think I'm still in shock hearing this news.  I feel like I should be waiting to die which is ridiculous!!! [/QUOTE]
I think we all had similar feelings. It is shocking news and you're getting it at a time when you're hurting, fatigued and confused.  I think for me the emotional part was almost more severe than the physical part.  So your feelings are valid, not ridiculous.  It is the start of a new life, that's for sure.  I hope you get relief soon and wish you all the best. 
Remember to take care of the inner you.  I ended up getting some counseling sessions with a social worker and it was beneficial to talk through my feelings and fears and general "mourning."
Thank you all for your support.  Right now I am sleeping OK and adjusting to the fatigue. I know there will be no jumping out of bed for me anymore and I also realize that things will take me a bit longer to do.  Realizing and accepting are two totally different things.

I have a friend who also runs agility and she was diagnosed with RA 44 years ago at age 12.  She is doing very well on Enbrel.
Glad you are sleeping.. it is vital to help your recovery!!  rest and rest.. when you need it..if you can.. rest.
About Agility with your dogs.. .If I may ask.. I love watching it on TV all the time.. I have two little Cairn terriers that I would just like to "play" with on an agility training track...
What would you suggest to set things up in my yard?
Thank you/
Hi Babs,

I would start with low jumps (4"), maybe a board they can run across, a low teeter totter and of course a tunnel.  All dogs love tunnels.

I'm in a competition in 2 weeks in York, PA.  The All Star Performance Dog Competition.

Resting is no problem, it just feels weird for me thats all!


Thats exactly it, I feel like I'm mourning the passing of my old me!  Thankfully I have a wonderful social worker/therapist.
[QUOTE=AgilityGirl]Hi Babs,

I would start with low jumps (4"), maybe a board they can run across, a low teeter totter and of course a tunnel.  All dogs love tunnels.

I'm in a competition in 2 weeks in York, PA.  The All Star Performance Dog Competition.

Resting is no problem, it just feels weird for me thats all!

I'm not terribly far from York.. I may come!  What day would be best to watch?
Cool.  I'll be there Friday Saturday and Sunday.  My team shirt is Teal with the Team name "Not your Usual Suspects.  I am running a Belgian Sheepdog, Kira!  I hope you come!

Its indoors in A/C at the York Exposition Center on or off Louks Road.
