I Know What's Wrong With Me | Arthritis Information


Alright I'm back and before you guys come around declaring war I would like to say I'm sorry. When I left, well a bit before then, when I stirred up some trouble I wasn't trying. I was just confused. Now a few months later, I see things differently and I'm back with results :)

Okay so I've been thinking I had Narcissistic Personality Disorder for a while. I didn't want to believe it but I stumbled upon a website a few days ago with a list of 16 symptoms of the disorder. I had every single one; from the manipulation to the lack of empathy, from the need of nonstop adoration to the jealousy and all the other junk.
I'm thinking about telling my therapist this. I don't know why and I know he'll be angry at me. Or maybe he won't. I don't know. He might try helping. But I really don't trust him.
Also there's something that's been eating away at me lately. It's my lack of really having anyone to try and share their love and compassion with me. Ever since I was very young I always wished I had an older brother that I could spend my time with; I mean I would give up all my personal possesions (over 10,000 dollars worth of things) for a brother. I'm quite lonely and sad on the inside but I reflect it as anger and apathy toward everyone else.
I don't know why I'm on this arthritis forum talking about a mental issue but maybe because I know ppl here. If you read all this; thank you, much appreciated. Please don't be harsh to me.
Star, glad you came back to post,  I don't know anything about mental problems (besides haveing a few) It's good to know you are ok, I offen wondered about you and what happen  to you.   How is your RA doing?  Were you able to lose the weight that you wanted to  after getting off of the predisone?  how's the Blood sugar>rusty2010-07-29 17:25:34My RA is doing pretty good. I had a rhuemy appt. a few weeks ago and I was taken off the prednisone completely. Also I do have to take gym class this school year; I'm starting high school. My blood sugar has been good as well. Sometimes my arthritis acts up in my wrist and it lasts for a few hours but you could say I'm practically in remission :) When I go back to my rhuemy depending on how things are he might try to start weaning me off the mtx.
And yes I did lose the weight Since November I've lost over 40 pounds. I am 116 lbs at the moment and aiming for 106. Overall I'm doing well with everything...
about the NPD or lack of, you haven't seen how nasty and terrible I am. I try to control it but you're right maybe it is just teenagerness and hormones and all that junk :)
talk to your counseler and stop trying to diagnose by internet.  You are not a doctor nor even remotely well educated enough to make such a judgement.  You're right I have my therapist on tuesday I will try to mention it to him.
Also out of that list of 16 symptoms that i thought I had all 16....I showed it to my friend and she agreed that I had atleast 9 of them...so thats not too good...considering she's been my friend for 3 years and knows ALOT about me :(
Hi, we all do need other people.   It is very difficult to feel isolated and at the same time motivated and invigorated.

Consider what the Beatles sang:  "And, in the end, the love you take/ Is equal to the love you make"   "Abbey Road - The End".  I know at a teen age it all seems so difficult, and it can be very risky to show love and caring to another teen. 

Here is something from a book I just finished reading.  "The Survivors Club: The Secrets and Science that Could Save Your Life".  http://www.amazon.com/Survivors-Club-Secrets-Science-Could/dp/0446580244  ( really good book).

Here is one thing I learned from the book - the Rule of 3.   People don't survive if they go:
3 seconds without hope
3 minutes without oxygen
3 hours without shelter (in challenging environments)
3 days without water
3 weeks without food
3 months without love or companionship.

Notice the very last line, I never really accepted the last line for a long time.  I always figured "no matter what, I can make it on my own".  I don't think that way anymore.  And now I understand other people a little better also, because some of them need me, and I finally understand it.  Take a close look around, there are people who need you also, that is a fine place to be.

And, oh, starperson.

You might want to forget about the NPD stuff.  Just because you found 9 or 16 characteristics that align with this disorder isn't a conclusive evaluation.  After all, what other disorders or even personality types might you have something in common with?  If we look at just one thing, and try to compare ourselves to that one thing, isn't that a little too focused.  We will zero in on that one cause and become blind to other options.  When it comes to these various disorders, a person is hardly the best one to evaluate himself.  Anyway, people are different, we all have different styles.  So it is OK to be different, you don't have to be like others, you don't have to fit the perfect mold, you can be whatever you like, as long as you don't hurt others.

Anyway, I am no psychologist, but I am a student of human nature, because I like to learn more about people, helps me to live better, and treat them better.  I have come across NPD before, and in my humble opinion you are not NPD.  Anybody who considers that they might be NPD, probably is not NPD!  The real NPD person would never ever consider that they might have some kind of disorder, especially this one!

Star I don't post all that often but have read a lot of your posts.  Why do you think there is anything "wrong" with you other than your medical issues.  Your a teenager, that in itself can be a tad of a "mental" issue .  I haven't been a teen for quite a few years but a do remember that.  Your a kid, concentrate on that,  it goes by way to quickly!!!Okay I know how everyone says there's nothing to worry about but listen to what happened today: I was at my grandmas house and we were finishing our dinner and she mentioned something in casual conversation about online predators and how they get to kids and I was fine with that; I tried ignoring her. I walked to the bathroom and she was going on about it still. So, I walked out and said, "Are you going to talk about that for the next 30 minutes?" She looked at me oddly and then I started on a rampage saying things to her such as "I hate you" "You're the meanest person ever" "You're just trying to make me feel like I'm a bad person" and other similar things. I was crying very hard and she started crying too. She looked stunned and was pretty speechless. I walked to the bathroom and my mom asked if i was okay i sayd "Yeah." Then my grandma said she was sorry and would never bring up that topic again. I only got mad because this was about the fifth or sixth time in three weeks that she's mentioned online predators! I kept thinking she was interogating me or something seriously. I didn't apologize to her until an hour or so later and I was not really sorry. I was more concerned if my eyes were bloodshot from crying. I feel a bit bad; not too much. But she was speechless. :(
And in another case, my friend is mad because I call her ugly and fat behind her back.
So I'm not npd and this is normal teenage behavior?
Brandon,  You  have a lot to deal with,  taking it out on your family is not good.  I have been reading your post from the begaining and you have met some of the predators on line,  your grandma loves you  and is worried about you.  You need to join a  group that is your  age and your life style, that  will help you.  You need to learn how others deal  with life.  It  is not easy being a teen starting HS.  You have your hole life ahead of you.  Be careful and take care of yourself  and don't get hurt  or killed by someone on the internet.  I think that is what your grandma is worried about.
Is the friend that you called ugly and fat, the same one that stood by you when you were fat,  you better keep her, she's been a good friend,  They are hard to find.
I think you need help and I hope you find it.  Please take care of your self and  be careful.
Oh yeah rusty I know but I've stopped tallking to online predators a while ago, back in february to be exact, so I don't know why she keeps telling me about my mistakes. I mean I got in trouble for it twice, i doubt I would do it again. I was a bit mean to her but she had been going at me for weeks and I couldnt handle it :(
I'm not sure which friend you mean but I don't think she was the one...maybe.
Have a good day rusty :)
nd everyone else too! It's already August...the summer went by soooo quick! :(
Your reaction to your gmom sounds like regular teen stuff to me. I have a fourteen year old son and get that kinda reaction often enough. One really good thing is that you have remorse.

I DO have to say I would be very upset if my son was pouring his heart out to strangers on an internet forum (even one I've been on for years). You have no idea who these people really are. And some here are quite dubious.Star, I'm glad you are being more careful of who you talk to on the internet,  that is the one thing that had me worried.  I'm a old woman with 6 grgrandkids and 9 great grandkids that I worry about being on the internet.  You never know who you are talking to.  So like your grandma, I sometimes open my mouth when I shouldn't.   It's because we care and tho we may cry when we get hurt,  we get over it, we understand  what it's like to be a teen.
Friends are the same way,  they get over being hurt and move on. 
Try to enjoy life, High School can be the best time of your life.  relax and try to enjoy it.   Let up on yourself and others.
Get a bird.

If you don't already have one, a light maintenance pet might be a good thing.  Sure a puppy would be great, but they need so much care, almost hourly.  Puppies/dogs need you and love you, but it gets tough to go our for 1/2 day without making some arrangements, let alone leave for a day or more.  Cats are on their own, they don't really need you or love you, just want to get something out of you (I am going to hear it now!  For the record, I do love cats as well) .  But fish and birds can be a great companion, they are really low care and maintenance, birds of course are better.

I was going through a rough time a few years ago.  I got a bird, someone to welcome me home.  Try to get a Cockateil (around ) or smarter.  And only 1, else they get close to each other rather than you.  This kind of bird can be a good companion.  Stay away from the less intelligent birds (Parakeet).  Even better, if you provide food and water, you can leave them for 2-3 days, can't do that with a puppy.  You do have to clean the cage every week or 2, but otherwise they don't need a lot of care.  And you can take them out, sit on your finger, might have to clip the wings on occasion.  And they like attention, will learn a few simple sounds, something to take care of.

Get a bird.


[QUOTE=Ramen]Get a bird.

If you don't already have one, a light maintenance pet might be a good thing.  Sure a puppy would be great, but they need so much care, almost hourly.  Puppies/dogs need you and love you, but it gets tough to go our for 1/2 day without making some arrangements, let alone leave for a day or more.  Cats are on their own, they don't really need you or love you, just want to get something out of you (I am going to hear it now!  For the record, I do love cats as well) .  But fish and birds can be a great companion, they are really low care and maintenance, birds of course are better.

I was going through a rough time a few years ago.  I got a bird, someone to welcome me home.  Try to get a Cockateil (around ) or smarter.  And only 1, else they get close to each other rather than you.  This kind of bird can be a good companion.  Stay away from the less intelligent birds (Parakeet).  Even better, if you provide food and water, you can leave them for 2-3 days, can't do that with a puppy.  You do have to clean the cage every week or 2, but otherwise they don't need a lot of care.  And you can take them out, sit on your finger, might have to clip the wings on occasion.  And they like attention, will learn a few simple sounds, something to take care of.

Get a bird.


haha :)
i used to have a bird but it died in while i was in 5th grade and my mom didnt want any more. Also I have a cat right now lol; she's sooooo adorable but she scratches me alot with her claws (well i tease her alot with her toys lol) haha yeah and my grandparents have a talk so im all set in the animal department :)
Hey, I havnt spoke to you much, but I wanted to say something about your idea of NPD.

I do have a psychology background. Both as a psychology student and has someone who has diagnosed bipolar disorder. Of course you should talk to you counselor, but here is my 2 cents.

Everyone has a personality, having traits that are similar to those listed as a "personality disorder" does not really mean much. the symptoms and problems they list for NPD are not unusual traits, we all have these traits at some time or another.. Everyone has some of these symptoms, we are all selfish at sometimes, sometimes people are self centered, and cocky and sometimes we are not rational about what help we should be getting. And how likes criticism? its not unusual to react negativly to criticism.

The difference is that those actually diagnosed with NPD are not able to function properly in sociaty, because of these traits, Also, those with NPD do not believe that there is anything "wrong" with them, they believe they are fine, normal, and that everyone else has the problem-not them.

Let me put it a different way, many of us have OCD tendencies-obsessive compulsive disorder, we might like things organized a sort of way or be perfectionists about something-but we dont have OCD. Someone may be depressed about something or for some reason but it does not mean they have major depressive disorder.

Psychology is weird. Most of the symptoms of disorders are not unusual, we all have many of them. But we do not have the disorders, it becomes a disorder when none can no longer function.

Believe me I know its hard not to diagnose yourself. As a psych student we had many courses on abnormal psychology-and learning about the disorders, we all thought we had a ton of disorders-but we dont!

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