Hello All! | Arthritis Information


Hi Everyone! I'd like to introduce myself...
My name is Fred I have been diagnosed with A.D.D and Migraines but haven't been diagnosed with any type of arthritis since I simply haven't seen any specialist yet.
I have almost always had knee pains that I've been told is hereditary from my father...so I never really cared thinking it was "normal"...
2 years ago I started having the same kind of pain in my elbows...1 year ago it was my lower back and my neck...and this year its my wrists...
I havent been diagnosed with arthritis yet but there's not a whole lot of options at my age it's pretty abnormal that all your main articulations and joints hurt already...
I'm looking for a new doctor as my doctor right now thinks the solution to everything is an anti-depressant...
I also probably have Restless leg syndrome...
I guess I'm just afraid it'll keep getting worse...and very quickly... :(
I don't mind being in pain but I don't wanna lose control over my body. I've always lived with pain having migraines since I'm 13 and very severe and not so well located cystic acne that made it very painful to walk around.
I guess I'm sad to be losing my youth so fast...

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