ILD | Arthritis Information


This is scary.

yes, it is..

all the more reason to be aggressive with this nasty disease!~!
I was dianosed with lung complications after being hospitalized that summer.  They are still not entirely sure if it is caused by the RA or the MTX. 
That's one of the big, big problems. Many people believe that rheumatoid arthritis is a joint disease. There are even people with RA that think it's a joint disease. Like I have been hollerin' for a long, long time, rheumatoid arthritis is a very, very serious disease that can attack any part(s) of our bodies. Even the arteries, the heart, the lungs, the kidneys, the eyes and on and on. So if I'm pretty adament about correcting people coming to this forum with a "don't worry about it attitude" or some "snake oil remedy" or some theory that can't be backed up by science, only testimony, just know that I know what I'm talking about, and science and medicine backs me up. It's just that simple. Good advise Babs. Everyone needs to understand that.
levlarry2010-08-03 20:08:47