Gee Whiz It's Hot! | Arthritis Information


  Let me see if I remember how to type. Anyway it was 101 degrees for the high today. So LOL that is what it takes to slow me down. I am taking it easy today.

Well I am less sick scince the dentist pulled the right tooth. It was one with a really long root. It impressed them greatly. So I think that was a month ago.
My Dad has a nodual on his lung. That is about two month old news scince he told me. So I have been spending as much time with him as I can.
My lower back went out or flared up whatever same time as I got my tooth pulled. I took prednisone and went to the chiropracter. Also I quit lifting up my niece. She can walk now so I just hold her hand. She has a temper so it is safer to not be holding her if you tell her no. I found out the hard way she does not care for that word.
Well it has been a summer full of pred for many different reasons. I am currently not on prednisone. I think maybe two weeks now. The chiropracter did help. My calf hurt so bad I was screaming. A pinched nerve I guess but I really had alot of swelling in my lower back. I was worried I had buldged another disk. Luckily it was not that serious none the less I could not walk with less than 20 mg of pred a day. The first time I cut back to 10mg I was at the doctors bright and early to have it raised back up.
I have been trying to walk in the evening when the sun is down. Not on really hot days of course. I have been successful in loosing a few pounds.
I do have a delema. My ankles tend to go out from under me often. I have ankle braces. Splints actually. They are stupid gel ones. Too fancy to ware in this heat. Especially scince I have to ware them on both ankles. I guess I need to get some less fancy ones. I just took what the pharmacy gave me from my doctors script. I have seen other people with less fancy ones and I am envious.
The RA has not been so awfully bad except to say I can no longer pick up a toddler. The Sjorgren's well a different story.
That is todays weather report in Milly Town.
Oh I forgot. Last night my toe had a spasm and it bent so far that the tip of my toe was touching the sole of my foot. My brain could never make my toe bend in such a way. I am just in aw of how muscle spasms have the ability to twist us in such strange ways that one would think imposible. Not a good kind of aw.
I have been going down hill a bit scince being off of the prednisone. I found typing to leave me in pain. All is well as my pain pills kicked in.
Honestly things got scary for the past few days. I got so busy trying to get my brother to a new doctor I forgot it was time to call in for refills. Some how my brothers shrink lost the ability to presrcibe schedual two meds and he was due for refills.
So I took him to my sons old shrink. A bit of a drive as she had moved a few towns away to set up shop. A very fine and kind lady doctor. I am so glad I took him there as she adjusted his anti psychotic meds and my life is now easier.
As the story goes I got to the drug store thinking all was well to get both of our meds filled and was told Saturday that I was out of refills on my meds. Egads! So they sent a fax. I personally always call it in a few days ahead allowing the doctor time.
Monday came and went called the receptionist who said have them refax it. Hmmm I had just told her to refax it but I did as she asked. Then today still nothing.
So today I just got lucky the doctors wife answerd the phone instead of the receptionist. She is a doll. She took the time to go get my chart out for the doctor and had him refax the scripts. She said they had faxed it in earlier but it had must have failed.
Yes I know I always neglect myself looking out for others. Truely I was looking out for myself as well when taking my brother to the doctor. I have had a few bad experiences while changing his meds over. So I was trying to avoid mental and physical trama towards myself as well as to him.
He is back to his same old sweet self. Honestly bless his heart he has cleared the house out. I need to thank him sometime. LOL Everyone else abandoned ship.
At first it seemed as if my brother was making a good transitionon his medication change. Well it takes time and my mother became impatient and had the doctor switch it. Just as he started eating and sleeping again.
Well I could say bad idea and blame her but then it could be just that his old meds wore off. The next medication absolutely did not work. When I took him to the EROOM the doctors were in shock. A total shizophrenic breakdown.
They would not take him in the phsyc ward because of his IQ, they said they did not have the right staff for him. The doctor was out of town. So I said fine I will take him home but not with out something to help him sleep. I said he has not slept in days. He is frieghtened and having halucanations and hearing voices. He is having bad thoughts that he does not understand. I said I do not know. Milly throws hands in the air. I said give hima haladol shot.
I sat around for awhile and a nurse came in and gave him a haladol shot. I thought he would drop to the floor like they do on tv. Not the case at all. Actually he got tired of waiting on a ride home and wanted to walk. They also gave him a script for Lorasapam.
About an hour and a half later he says hey the muppets are gone. Where did they go. The muppets were his only friendly halucanations. I asked him if the other Jeremys were gone? He said I think so. So he is taking halodol in pill form and finally a couple of months later he seems to be getting stable.
It is really hard for anyone to watch someone go through this. It is heart breaking and scary. My Mom just could not handle it. Really not me either but other wise it would have been a nursing home. They would not have cared enough to get him truely stable. I know he who is and who he was looking for when he screamed "Jeremy is gone!" "Jeremy is gone!"
So to make sure I clarify I was not angry at anyone. I was just angry at a situation and very busy. Also I went cold turkey off of my Cymbalta so I could take Cipro. Also I was on prednisone so I was a bit extra moody to say the least. Add 500 other problems and 500 other idiots and Oh what a fine time we had.
I did thank of you all. I missed you and worried about you and prayed for you.
I missed you Milly!
You certainly seem to have a lot on your plate right now.
Here's hoping things start to turn around for you and your family soon
Things are getting better. I just have to adjust to it. Trust in it I guess?
My Dad has been really wonderful. We have been having alot of fun. I try not to think of what the future may be like for him.
My son is always a great help. I try not to take advantage of that.
Snow it means alot to me that you missed me. I have missed you also.
