Big weekend...teenagers! | Arthritis Information


Well I have had to refocus here and put all my energy in preparing to host my daughters' friends.Seven  teenagers will be arriving from Indiana Friday night to our home!!!!!!! I am really excited about this cause these kids are fun to be with and are a joy to be around, just good kids.Noisy but good.

You can imagine all the crock pots I have to borrow from my sis, and all the chips, fruit and orangejuice boxes to get not to mention all the colas and popcorn!

Fortunately she has my old microwave and we need to get her a mini frig. It will be fun. I think I am just going to bake a few cakes and several pans of cookies and sloppy joes and cheese dips with nachos and place them in her little kitchen she has down in our basement. Can you imagine the noise? lol, The mess? All that perfume in one room! lolol

I just completed moving her in the main basement and it is now her bedroom with the exceptioon of a bedroom already down there ( now used for storage ) and the laundry room ( the room I seem to always be in).

I doubt that I will ever be able to get online since we still have dial up and only one phone line so I will be gone, probably colapsed on my bed with earplugs! This type of thing only comes around a few times in a lifetime so I am thrilled to be able to do this for her. THey will be celebrating everybody's birthday so it will be loads of fun for them.

We chose this option because she really cannot be in Indiana due to the abuse and horrible situation she was in. She will, however,  go down for the prom to go with friends next month but she will be coming back to my hotel room and the parents she will be with are well aware of her danger. Shame isn't it? She is 17 and already she has had to endure the worst situation a child, adult or female could ever be in. She MUST be monitored when out of state for her safety and constantly aware of her surroundings.

ANYWAY! Wish me luck for this weekend...cause I am gonna need it. Imagine 8 teenagers ages 17 to 18 for a weekend in your home! lol



Good luck!!! You are so much braver than I am. This weekend is my son's 11th birthday and I'm cringing with the thought of just having adults over. I can't imagine having all those girls.

Have fun!!

kelstev38804.3604513889I am tired just reading that.  Have fun.  Sounds like a lot of fun.  :) It does sound like fun! My oldest is 9 and we did a big Spa Party a few weeks ago. The girls had a blast, I enjoyed it but it was alot of work. These are the things that we have to cherish. It is our job as parents to make these wonderful memories for our children. Maybe you could even pick up a few disposable cameras for the girls to take pictures. It would make a great scrap book!  Hope you dont get too worn out...sounds like it will be worth all the work.

Theoretically it should not be too much, but I know how that goes. We are borrowing coolers and crock pots from my sis ( she entertains a lot!) and most of all the cooking will be done by my daughter. The rest is basically getting snacks and junkfood on the table and they will be on their own ( so to speak). It is a great opportunity for her and a great idea for a spring break. ( I just have to keep up on towels and toilet paper!) We are thinking about buying inexpensive towels and  washcloths at the Dollar store so they can each have their own. I have fabric paints and they can decorate them how  they want to and take them home.

Then for the activity we have been buying paints that are clearanced out and they will paint and write their names and do artwork on her walls. Several of the girls coming are excellant artists and I am sure there will be nonsense there too. When my daughter moved back here I asked her what color and how she wanted her room paintedand this is what she came up with....stating, " wouldn't it be great if I had all my friends here from Indiana and have paint party and my friends could paint stuff on my walls?" That is how all this began and it has turned out to be a most unique occassion.

** Leave to those with ADD to come up with the most ingenius, creative and interesting  ideas huh?** 

I really do love this type of stuff! I used to this type of thing for her  when she was in elementary school for sleep overs and they would have the living room with sleeping bags everywhere and have a movie marathon and such. I would hire her sitter to come help me and the girls would have a ball!

Thanks so much for your comments. It really does make me feel good to do this for her. I have always felt as though she missed out on so much cause the x hubby and I divorced when she was 6 yrs. old and then I am with the RA and fatigued or sick most of the time so this gives her a little something special in her life. Just building those good memories for her so there aren't so many of the bad ones...Geesh, she will be 18 soon.........the time has just flown by.


It sounds like a lot of fun! I love that her friends get to paint her walls-what a great idea! You really are helping to create some wonderful memories. Have fun!