Giant cell arteritis | Arthritis Information


do any of the forum members  with PMR also have GCA?  and if so what are your symptoms?

I am having new symtoms especially headaches but my rheumy does not seem concerned.   She is great and gave me a good check up but I feel something is different.   any help would be appreciated.
Hello Parker
I'm sorry to hear about your headaches and you are right to consider GCA as a possible cause. 
I have had PMR since January 2006 and GCA since February 2007.  The undiagnosed and therefore untreated PMR put me at greater risk of contracting GCA.  Whereas roughly 3 out of 10 people with PMR and on steroids are at risk of developing GCA, that risk rises to 7 out of 10 people not on steroids.
GCA symptoms include severe head pain, usually on one side, jaw pain on chewing and vison problems.  I also suffered swollen glands and, as the undiagnosed disease developed, nausea, vomiting and weight loss.  Swelling of the temporal artery at the side of the head can also sometimes be seen.
I don't know what dose of Prednisolone you are on for PMR but it's possible that in the event of GCA the symptoms wouldn't be so severe.
The only definitive test for GCA is a temporal artery biopsy to show whether the cells are enlarged.
I do hope your new symptoms do not turn out to be GCA but if your head pain worsens and especially if you notice any visual disturbances such as blurring or problems with focusing then you should seek immediate expert help because if GCA is diagnosed you will need an immediate high dose of Prednisolone (40 or 60mgs) to protect your eyesight which once lost as a result of undiagnosed GCA sadly cannot be restored.

Visit, click on Useful Information - read the diagnosis and treatment of GCA.

Do not hesitate to kick up a fuss, GCA is not to be messed around with as Celtic says, once a partial or total loss of sight occurs, that is it.   It is not reversible.

If when you read it all up and as it is the weekend, print the guidelines off and get to an accident and emergency centre pronto.

Better to be safe than sorry.

As you use the word 'Rheumy' are you in the UK?
Parker, from what I've read about GCA, I'd heed the information you've received on this forum.  My rheumatologist has never mentioned GCA to me as of yet but I've read enough information on the web regarding the chances of developing GCA with PMR that if I start having any symptoms I will be at the emergency room ASAP!
Let us know what you find out.
thanks  to all who responded to my questions  regarding  GCA   I  did get checked out by my "rheumy"  (no I'm not in the UK  but I do love a good abrev.)  I also saw the eye doc  for a check up  and he did put the fear of blindness in me  if I do show any defnitive symtoms   right now  I have fairly severe headaches  which is quite a departure from my norm  and then I'm fine for  a few days    its quite mysterious  thanks  to all again