Is everyone in remission? | Arthritis Information


If you aren't in remission, why aren't you posting?  C'mon now, this is your website, let's support it!   Wish I was in remission ..... [QUOTE=GG]If you aren't in remission, why aren't you posting?  C'mon now, this is your website, let's support it!   [/QUOTE]

I'm in remission and on vacation
A lot of other people who post here have also been on vacation this month and some are gearing up for the back to school onslaught...So, give them time.  They will be back.
For the record, it also has been slow on the AF board.........
Now, I'm off to the deck to watch the sunrise over the lake
I hope you all have a great day!
Wish I were in remission!  What is the AF site? 

I'm afraid to join any groups on Facebook related to arthritis in case anyone googles my name and finds my profile. I try to hide it at work, having been the victim of workplace discrimination because of it.

By the way, speaking of missing members where is Sam1234?
Green~Tara2010-08-08 08:16:55not in remission, had huge snafu with my Lyrica so havent had it in a month and STILL wont  have it for at least a week.
 Still having stomach problems, and  the little guy needs surgery on Tuesday..
Hey...I'm drugged and have a new jaw-  Woot woot for me!
It has been slow lately, but alot of that is due to a lack of bickering.  Kinda a welcome change.
I belong to "Arthritis Warrior" on facebook. It's a really good blog.  But, I also have loyalty to this board.  Lots of info and support.
Ok...back to my book!!/arthritiswarrior
rocckyd2010-08-08 08:36:37heck.. even if you ARE in remission.. we want to hear about that too!!

Super busy summer ... redecorating the house... painting... travel... babysitting Grands....

I'm here.. reading.. just not posting all the time..

Good to hear from everyone.
I get tired of talking about I take a break when I feel like I'm going to get rude :)
AF board by the way is the arthritis foundation board its not on facebook
RA is not really an issue for me right now (other than having to take meds).  Been busy this summer, not a whole lot of time to go online.  Kids go back to school in a few weeks, though!  Kathy I am so sorry to hear about the Lyrica snafu! I have a new life because of Lyrica. It scares me to think of how much pain I was in before as compared to now. That is I scream hardly never anymore.
I guess I spend more time walking and shopping and enjoying life scince I had my Lyrica raised to 250 mg a day. I take 100 mg in the morning and 100 mg in the evening and another 50 mg at bedtime. I still take vicoden but less of it.
I would take more Lryica but I am afraid it would make me sleep all of the time.
GG you always have my support! I understand that we all need friends that truely know what it is like to have RA.
My sister ran off with the lap top because she is in college. My desk top is usually being used by my kids or grandkids. Seriously summer time keeps people busy with the kids home all of the time. Well that has been experience. There were some days this summer when I had seven kids to watch at the same time. I put my foot way down on that one.
I maybe let one kid at a time spend the night once every two weeks. LOL
Def not in remission never Really have been in 14 years

I don't feel the need to talk about my joints and dwell on my pain all the time sometimes it's best to just go on with your lifes activities. When I'm flarig bad or when I'm down about my arthritis I'm more likely to cine visit

Also dint post much during SchoolI am thankfully in remission now and have been since I returned from the Amazon.  I have cut my MTX to four once a week, so I know it helps, but I think the jungle medicine is working also.  Time will tell

I think this board has lost the fun side of it's personality.  It's either all RA all the time, or it's the same tired old war with teed and that Australian woman (can't think of her name).  Maybe I've missed a some things, but that's all I see when I do check in.  As far as being supportive, it hasn't lost that.  Their doesn't seem much of a point for me to say...yeah, get a second opinion and hang in there.........when it's been said by the ten people that got there before me.  So I rarely check in and even more rarely say anything when I do.  And I'm not saying anything's wrong with the board how it is now.  This is what everybody apparently wants it to be, so it should be this.  It just doesn't suit me anymore.  I miss the fun side of it.  I sure do wish everyone well :)

When I joined (late 06) I thought the forum a good place to be, I felt welcomed and a part of something.
Those same feelings have been eroded over time.
I am new, but like the forum so far.  I will try to be on when I can.  I am new at this and RA.....I guess you could classify that I am in remission, as I can move about lots freer then I could end of May.......Thanks for all the posts, good and not so good, they keep you grounded as not being alone!  And your definition of fun is:   

Well, I'm in remission, and life is great.   Hang in there -  and as our Kiwi Pantene Girl Rachel Hunter says "it didn't happen overnight - but it did happen"  Been in (still medicated)remission for around three years now.  Never totally pain-free, but certainly not stopping me doing the things I like to do, and I am able to work again.

Finding the right job with a good balance of challenge, non-sedentary, some productive use of my tiny slow moving brain, the flexibility of working my own hours from home when necessary, and having a new focus - were all major factors in my deciding to have a try at selling Real Estate.  I can't say that I've been very financially successful with it (commission only), in a difficult time with the current housing market, (which has been dropping since I began).  But I now I feel  that I am achieving something other than being able to keep my ironing and housework up to date!
The other part of my post concerns the fun element that some people feel is missing from the board.   I haven't posted for ages myself, but I do pop in every now and again with my 2 cents worth!! The Board has changed, yes - things do evolve (and devolve - if there is such a word) - but there are still warm, wonderful people on here!!  And no doubt, more to come!!
Now, speaking about "devolve", and if there is such a word, I am starting what I hope some of you will find to be fun.   I knew of a young woman in NZ who suffered from MS.  She created what she called a"Fictionary", a little collection of made up (or archaic words), which I found to be very clever.  Now I have a challenge for you all.   Below are a few of her words for starters, my challenge to you is to put those clever brains of yours to work and add to the list.  I'm going to go alphabetically, but that is not a rule!!  LOL
AQUADEXTROUS      - Possessing the ability to turn the bathtub tap on and off with your   
BURGARCIDE           - When a hamburger can't take any more torture and hurls itself
                                  through the grill into the coals!
CARPERPETUATION - The act, when vacuuming, of running over a string or a piece of lint
                                  at least a dozen times, reaching over and picking it up, examining it,
                                  then putting it back down to give the vacuum cleaner one more
So c'mon, let's see some creative genius at work!  Some creniouses maybe??
GG  I'm talking about a couple or so years ago when many members would talk and laugh and share about aspects of their daily life aside from RA.  Kids, jobs, recipes, events, hobbies or just shooting the breeze.  Most of those people are gone now.....Katie, Gayle, Moana, Karen, Joonie, Jay and others. 
True, one person's entertainment is another's snooze fest.  But you asked why people don't post and I told you why I don't.Linn, I understand what you are talking about.  It was when members shared more of themselves rather than more of their pain or discomfort.  It was real interesting when, do I dare mention "Shug" turned herself loose on here.  LOL  Perhaps an ongoing game might help.  Any suggestions .........anyone?  I will start a fictional story.