Applied for SS Disability Due to RA? | Arthritis Information


Have you applied for SS Disability due to RA? If so....

How bad was your RA?
What other conditions did you have (if any)?
Were you able to work at all?
What did they decide about your disability (approved/denied/partial disability/full disability)?
What else can you tell me about this process?
I never thought I would consider it but the last 3 years have been crazy... I now have a list of over 10 medical/mental conditions (very exciting let me tell you
I feel bad for even considering applying but it scares me worse to think that I could be without insurance with all of my problems and no way to support myself or my family and people afraid to hire me not knowing if I would be able to withstand the workload. Its very depressing actually but even more depressing when I cant walk, change my baby daughters diaper, or even get in and out of the bath tub.
So please if you could... tell me what you can about why you applied and how it all went down. Thank you for ANY information!
Abby, so sorry it has come to this point for you, but I know quite a few of us have faced this.  I believe in order to apply for SSDI, you need to be unable to work completely, but your monthly benefit is based on your recent hours/salary, so it actually works in your favor to stop working rather than cut down your hours.  Here's how it worked for me...
In Nov 2007 my doctor put me out on disability and I stopped working (FMLA/disability).  I too felt I was facing termination because of my absences and at the time I was hoping it was temporary while waiting for medications to work.  Within two weeks my state's (NJ) temporary disability insurance kicked in (not every state has this) and they paid me a portion of my earnings for six months while my employer continued to cover my medical benefits.  In retrospect, I should have applied for SSDI right away, but like I said, didn't think it would be permanent.
After the six months, I was on permanent disability.  I was fortunate that I had long term disability insurance through my employer which began paying me monthly while my employer continued covering my medical benefits (for up to 2 years).  At this point I applied for SSDI and got an attorney through my long term disability insurance provider (definitely get an attorney, they usually only get paid if you win and it's well worth it).
As for applying, there are lots and lots of forms and a local (nothing) exam by a doctor.  My other conditions are fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease and depression.  I'm on about 10 different prescriptions, including pain medication, which doesn't stop all the pain and makes me tired/unable to concentrate (this was a big part of it I think).
Initially my application was denied (after about 6 months if I recall) and I appealed.  For my appeal, I was going to need a hearing and in my state, that can take up to 2 years to schedule!  Fortunately my case was referred to a virtual committee handling backlogged cases and they approved me fully without a hearing, but it was a full 2 years from the time I applied.  This was just as my medical benefits were going to COBRA, so the timing was really interesting.
I know everyone's story is very different, depending on what benefits were available to them, what their medical situation is, and where they live (plays a big part in how easily/quickly you can get approved).  If you do a forum search on disability or Social Security, you may turn up some of the other stories.
Abby, I wish you the best and hope that you get a speedy approval for your benefits.  Let us know if you have any other questions.
I don't have any experience with this..
but I wanted to send you my best wishes... I hope it is a quick and painfree process.
  I had no problem being accepted for SSDI and it only took 5 months from first application to letter of acceptance.  I had lost a long time job because of not being able to perform as well as in the past.  Rheumy suggested going on SSDI, but I was stubborn and got a part time job for the next 3 years.  Finally, I could not work and acknowledged that.  I received temporary disability for 6 months and after that was done I applied for SSDI.  Never had to see one of their doctors and did not have an attorney.  I figured if I got turned down I would then hire an attorney.  The important thing is to have your doctors behind you because their records will be what determines your being accepted.  Go for it and be sure to fill out the forms in detail, stating all the things you cannot do rather than those you can do.  There are good sites on the internet that will help you fill out those forms.
first advice, APPLY NOW!! If anyone is even thinking about it.. do it now!
 It  can take up to TWO years, to get accepted.
The first time, they'll probably turn you down.. (there are exceptions).
Get a lawyer, make sure he's really good. ( You can't change lawyers, in midstream..
you don't have to pay him, until your case has been won.. Its worth it!).
I'm bipolar, and got on it, about 14 yrs ago.  Even tho, i had drs and therapists, saying I needed to be on it, i still got turned down.. got the lawyer and 2 yrs later.. i got it.
 Also the sooner, you file, the more backpay you'll get.
good luck! and don't wait!
I am only now applying for state and SS.  I already have a lawyer accept my case and he's the only show in town for that kind of thing so I'm set there but it has been difficult.  A hard part of it is coming to the realization that I can't do much anymore etc.  At times I feel like it's admission of being useless- and I know I shouldn't look at it like that. Hello all,
This is a very frustrating topic for me, maybe someone will have some advice. I was diagnosed with RA and lupus when I was 27 years old. I have been a stay at home mom since I was 19 years old, so obviously I have no work credits built twoards social security. My husband and I chose what worked for us and that was for me to stay home. The problem I have now is that my husband decided to move out almost 2 years ago and I have no income. He helps with the bills, but money is tight, I have very aggresive RA with sever deformities in my hands and feet, my dr says I should not work, if I have to nothing more than part time. I see nothing that I qualify for in terms of disability. It seems as though there is absolutely no help for people who have made their career to raise their family. I feel trapped and frustrated, any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
I had been off work for a year (on work long term disability) when I applied.  62 days I was appproved.  I had RA for over 20 years at that point.  I didn't have any other issues other than intolerance of pain meds.  I did have serious joint damage that had resulted in 7 joint replacements.  My LTD company had hired an advocet service so they did most of the leg work.  I think the most important thing I had though was a complete buy in from all of my doctors and had the medical records to back things up.  Don't claim something that can not be backed up by an independent source.  Also everything I claimed was tied back into the ability to work.  Frankly the govt doesn't care that if you work you can't function at other times...the want to know why you can't make a living so make sure that is what the immediate focus is first then real life.  
Angel..check with you local social services department...they can help determine what you are or are not elgible forThank you for your response. I want to work, all my children are now school age my problem is I never know how I will be doing from one week to another. I will have a great month then BAM I am hit with a crazy couple of weeks. For example, the past three weeks my lupus has caused a pretty severe case of myositis in both my lower legs which made it extremely painful to walk, let alone work if I had a job. I just know that holding down a job will be extremely difficult when I will have to miss days due to my illness. All my drs are on board and ready to send records of surgeries, therapies, ect if needed its just finding something that I qualify for thats been difficult and frustrating.
Thank you for allowing me to vent,
Angel, have you already looked into SSI (, which doesn't require work credits and is based on need?  I would start there.Hi!

I dont rely on Medicare and SS for health care. Everyone in the family is determined to get insurance. Mom and dad have long term care insurance, and Im looking forward to purchasing it.

Here's a glossary in case you dont know the terms yet

Cheers I applied and got it first time around. Discuss it with your physician or rheumatologist. When you do apply, do be very thorough about answering their questions about how your disease(s) affect your daily living. If you are turned down the first time around, get a good social security lawyer. They will only take a portion of your retroactive pay. Go for it.RA - chances made your life healthy

I'm 28 years old 2 years ago doctor told me RA is never recover have to take medicine whole life, taking 6 capsulse each day consult by doctor. Initially, elbow and whist pain continue shoulder, back, finger, knee, toe until whole body inflammation.

2 months ago i start taking 8 cups per day includes antioxidant and thermogenic green tea and also provides essential vitamins and nutrients. 1 month ago i did not taking mecdicine anymore and now totally release pain.

I would like sharing my experience from suffering 2 years pain also can start work as usual now. My advisory is taking correct method, value of nutrients and quality products. I very keen to want share my arthritis to become healthy life. If you need more information, welcome to email me

Was just reading this older posts and wondering if Abby or Angel have any updates?