So The Weather Channel Is Off Track | Arthritis Information


  They have changed the forcast so much this week I am dizzy. Yes the high was 97. It dropped suddenly to 88 in the matter of an hour maybe less. Now it is about 84 or was last I checked.

Yes I am thrilled it is 84. They have yet to put any more updates. It is not supposed to get down to 85 until 8 pm. So I am way ahead of the game.
Just they still have it posted that it will be 97 tomorrow. I truely hope that they have that part wrong as well.
LOL My son asked me where I was going. I said nowhere. I have a short sleeved jacket that I bought over a month ago and it has been too hot to ware anything but light cotton. So I have been checking the ten day forcast in hopes of waring my jacket without sweating or getting heat stroke.
I have alot
So the repair man showed up today finally. The compresser check spelling is burnt out on the central air. We had it fixed once early in the summer.
Then we had a lightening storm and when I flipped the fuse box the air did not work. It made the power surge as well when it was on. No reason to leave it on because it had quit cooling.
I bought a window unit but that only helps a little bit.
So they changed the ten day forcast twice scince I have put up this post. I like the latest addition the best. Last nights was a terribly hot forcast. The new addition I can live with.
So IDK how long it will take him to fix the air. I wish he would use the front door and ring the doorbell. He always goes to the back door. I sleep hard when I take my muscle relaxers or allergy pills.
My brother was in the kitchen and saw him out the window and woke me up. That was just lucky. I will have to start paying attention to my alarm clock.
So the window unit works best if the tempis under 90. Well it has been in the upper 90's or 100 lately and it has been misserable.
Oh Goody! The repair man came back! Maybe I will have central air in the near furure. Horray!
I have been using paper plates,plastic cups and eating lunch meat ect. that does not requir cooking. Sitting doing as little as possible and drinking lots of liquids. Plus trying to keep my brother in the front room watching movies and trying to keep him well hydrated and cool.
My Mom has been staying at my sisters in the central air.
He is putting a new unit in. My hair should look better now! I can ware my clothes again! I should be very comfortable.