Dealing w/ cold weather and ra` ? how do you? | Arthritis Information


I have a ?.. the cold really bothers me. Even when i have on my Ac, it can hurt.

the thing is , i'm considering moving home to nc.. but dealing w/ 6 plus months of cold weather, just doesn't sound like fun.. or doable.. and its very expensive to heat there.
So how do you deal w/ the cold? What helps??
Plus, i'm worried about my 6 and a half lb cat, who has arthritis in his back.
 My 15 lb one, have no worries! lol
yes, i will be living inside :p, but its still COlD and have to go out at times..
 just trying to figure out, if it'd be worth it..
I love nc.. but.. suggestions, thoughts, ideas, thks~
ps: i live in sunny ca now, ~ lol.. its not "home"..i miss the change of seasons, thunderstorms, living in rural country, the people!
Whispered2010-08-16 13:36:05Oh man I dunno about moving east.  I'm like you in that cold has a profound effect on my RA pain so I try to cover up.  I'm in CA also and the ac makes me hurt too so often times I'll wear long sleeve shirts and whatever I have to around the house, and out even if I want.

One thing I have considered is buying some of those neoprene sleeves for some of my worst areas (elbows, knees).  IDK if they would work or not but I hope so.
I live in  upstate NY so I know about cold and snow and RA.  First you live inside and have heat.  You dress for the cold weather--scarfs, socks, sweaters, sweatshirts, layers, coats.  I musg admit I really dread going out in the winter in the snow--especially if the sun is not out.   
