Pain when inhaling | Arthritis Information


Hi eveyone!  I have just started having some symptoms that I haven't had before and I wanted to see if anyone else had experienced them before.  Over the last couple of weeks, I have had pain that goes from the top of my sternum and radiates thru my collarbone.  Sometimes it goes all the way to my shoulder.  I figure it is just another aspect of the wonderful world we call RA but wanted to get some feedback before I started inviting more poking and prodding @ the dr office.  Thanks for the feedback--I appreciate it! I get a pain in my wrist when I take a deep breath.  I have noticed it for about a three or four days now.  It doesn't bother me anywhere else though.  Maybe it's an RA symptom? Have you had a virus or flu?  I just saw the doctor because of chest pain and difficulty breathing. He thinks it's asthma (which I've never had before) as a result of RA and a viral infection. Some of the meds like MTX can cause lung complications. I get to have  a pulminary test done. RA can also cause pain in the chest area .Is this pain on the left or right? Any other symptoms with it? Nausea, jaw pain, cough?I had pneumonia back in January so I initially thought it might be that but the pain is higher on my chest.  I think it might be in the cartiledge that joins the collarbone to the sternum.  I think I may need a chest xray to make sure my pneumonia is gone. You may want an eval to make sure it is not cardiac related.I GET THAT IT IS INFLAMATION I EVEN WENT TO THE HOSPITAL WITH IT CAUSE I THOUGHT I WAS HAVING A HEART ATTACK BUT IT IS THE RA. I ALSO HAVE HAD PLUERSY WITH MY PNUEMONIA LAST YR AND THAT FELT REALLY SIMILIAR ANYWAYS GO SEE THE DR...........TERESACRUNCHY, DO YOU KNOW IF THE PLURESY WILL CAUSE YOU TO ALMOST LOSE YOUR BREATH WHEN IT HITS? I HAVE HAD THIS REALLY BAD PAIN THAT GOES UP THE RIGHT SIDE OF MY BACK AND THEN AROUND MY CHEST THAT IS VERY GRIPPING AND I HAVE TO STAND AND TAKE SOME REALLY LONG DEEP BREATHS BEFORE IT PASSES. SOMETIMES IT HAPPENS AFTER HAVING SOMETHING COLD TO EAT OR DRINK BUT I NEVER KNOW WHEN IT WILL HIT. IT IS PRETTY SCARY SOMETIMES AND THEN I ALSO HAVE HAD A STABBING LIKE PAIN JUST BELOW MY BREAST ON THE RIGHT SIDE AND IT WILL DO LIKE THE SAME THING ONLY IT JUST HITS MY UPPER RIGHT SIDE. I HAVE BEEN CHECKED FOR A BAD GALLBLADDER AND IT NEVER IS THAT. THEY NEVER SEEM TO FIND ANYTHING. ANYONE KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT? MELODY

Oh boy is this familar! I've spentmore money on tests for these combinations of things than anything else. Chest pains were one of my first symptoms. I spent two stays in the hospital for these.

Several things can be occuring. Some of them are not dangerous at all, just painful. But they can hurt as bad as a heart attack and they baffle the doctors.

Chest pain can be as simple as costochronditis which means that the breast bone is detoriated from prednisone and RA. This can be aggravated by a lung infection or a pulmonary function test. It is extremely painful.

Other things that could be happening is that you could have pericarditis which is an inflammation of the heart. This requires a full workup by a cardiologist and is very serious. You also can have inflammation and damage to your lung tissues. Now, bring in the pulmonologist.

If the pain is really severe, the ER is the place to go. After three times of going through all these tests, my doctors just tell me if I've recently been tested to try and deal with it. If it's been a couple of years, then go through the tests again.

The important thing is not to wait for medical care. Get tested. Yes the tests are outlandishly expensive but your life is irreplaceable. I'm glad that I went through the last set of tests. I had started with bronchitis and it inflamed my muscles and bones in my chest. But the cardiologist also found that I needed high blood pressure medicine and a dirutic. This made me feel a whole lot better. So, it really came down to some extra tweaking by one of the doctors. I also had to go off Enbrel for a period of time.

So, it's not always what we think. Your instincts are your best guide. If you think it's heart or your lungs (it could also be a blood clot in the lungs) then go to the ER.

People around you do not see RA as a serious illness. But at its worse, it can life threatening. Complications can cut off as much as 12 years off your life. Staying on top of it, being proactive in your treatment is the key to surviving it.

Deanna, I really appreciate this information. For many years, every single cold or virus I have gotten has turned into bronchitis - so much so, that I dread being around sick people. My RA Dr. has said that with any cold, or the flu, I must go on a course of antibiotics because of that. I always wondered why - but this is a good explanation. Thanks! and welcome!

Your welcome for the info. I paid a high price for the experience.

Keep in mind that all the medicines we use, mtx, Enbrel, Remicade, are trying to suppress our immune systems because they are overactive. They can't decide when to quit. I find this is basic to my personality and wonder if they are not connected.

Ah, yes, finally an explanation as to why I have RA. I am just too stubborn and even the cells of my body won't quit. I am trying to learn from this experience and take life with more joy, more patience, less garbage from others and yes, sometimes quit. Take a nap. Take a day off (heaven forbid I do that). Say no to people.

Oh, one thing I do like crazy to help reduce the chance of infections is wash, wash, wash my hands. It is one of the best ways to stop the spread of germs. Also, let coworkers and family know that they need to keep their distance if they are sick. Most people will respect this. Get rest early if you think something is starting. And don't ever eat or drink after anyone, including family! That was a hard habit to break.

One of the problems is that these medicines can actually mask an infection, so if you suspect one, check it out. I haven't been wrong yet. Sounds like you have good instincts yourself. Staying well is an art, you have to practice it.

Actually, costochondritis can be caused by viral infections and is pretty common. It is inflammation at the point where your ribs meet with your sternum. At lot of times people will get it with no other symptoms, it is treated with NSAIDS. Plueresy is an irritation to the lining around the lungs, and it hurts like hell. I litterally saw stars every time I coughed when I had it. I was about 16 yrs old and my mom had to pick me up from work and take me to the doctor that same day. Prob. one of the best remedies is any of the cough meds with codeine. The codeine helps work on thinning the secretions and relieves pain.

It is always important to remember that dependent on your risk factors (age, weight, smoker?, medical history, family history) when you are having chest pain and you dont have any other symptoms (cough, fever, indigestion) you may need to rule out any cardiac issues. I am not saying go run to the ER everytime you get a little twinge of pain, but crushing chest pain that radiates to the left shoulder/jaw/arm is suspicious. Women tend to have other symptoms like malaise and nausea.

Heart disease is the number 1 killer of women in the US.  You can get lots of really good info. at


Hello everyone!! I've missed being able to post!! Thank you to everyone, these are great suggestions and I will be discussing them at my rheumy appt on Thurs.  I appreciate everyone's feed back! 