PA - HLB-27 factor | Arthritis Information


Anyone know anything about this test, (HLB-27).

I have had PA for 8 years but due to losing my job have been off ALL my meds for 6 months.  It left me unable to walk without 2 sticks, and on some days unabvle to walk at all.  Anyway I am starting back on meds again, (MTX, Medrol, Remicade).  My RH did a whole bunch of test to get a good baseline since i ghad been off meds for so long.  One was a HLB-27 and she said it is an indicator of severity of the disease.  All i can find on the web is that it is an indicator for PA.  Just wondered if anyone had had this test and discussions with their RH.
Sorry you are having trouble walking. Can I ask why you are having trouble walking? That is I assume arthritis? Is it in your feet? Mine is I am also having trouble with my hips today.
I do not know anymore than you do about the blood test. I just thought it was an indicator for some diseases. PA, and a few other diseases.
Is this the first time this ever showed up on your bloodwork? I just thought it was a genetic marker meaning if you had PA or one of the other diseases you had to have a positive HLB-27 marker.
Has anyone ever had PA ect and been HLB-27 sero negative?
I hope you can get bak on your meds soon and feel better.
I've had the test before.  I never knew it to be an indicator of severity.  I had it to see if I had ankylosing spondylitis(googled to spell it!).  I didn't think it was really associated with RA.
Hope you feel better!
I also read that its an indicator for AS, (ankylosing spondylitis) and PA, (Psoriatic Arthritis).  just cannot find anything about it indicating severity.
Thanks to all
I think you meant HLA-B27, a haplotype found in a number of autoimmune arthritic diseases.
There's a large false positive and false negative, so it's anyone's guess how valid the results are [which is why a lot of doctors don't run it]. However, it would appear that consistent positives over time MIGHT indicate a predilection of other arthritic diseases which have yet to present themselves.
HLA-B27 status doesn't change with time.