Help Dead End Coming | Arthritis Information


I can't take ibuprofen or naproxen due to leg swelling.

I can't take methotrexate or arava due to live function problems.
I am reaching a dead end.  I'm on 10mg of prednisone that only allows me to get out of bed and get to the computer.  I take Darvocet for pain but it hardly works.
I take lyrica for fibro, with paxil and something else to sleep.
I am very poor and running out of options.  Do any natural things work at all?
I am really sorry that this is happening to you, but someone with better knowledge than I will surely be able to answer your question.  It is Saturday night and traffic on here can be slow, so just be patient.  In the meantime, I am sending you hugs and prayers.   what does your doc say when you tell him/her things aren't working out for you??

He could be your best solution for the problem?

sorry things are so difficult w/ a disease that is difficult enough as it is.

Until you and your doc find something that works, I'd ask for a pain pill stronger than Darvocet.  It's very mild.
Hope you feel better soon.
You seem to have a good option right in your hand. For a couple of years I kept my pain at bay with average 20-25 mgs of prednisone. they are some of my best friends. I prefer them to pain pills.
Sorry I don't have any experience to share with natural remedies, but if you can't take mtx or Arava, ask your doctor if you can try Imuran (azathioprine).  It is another, less often used, immune suppressant and I've had no side effects from it.  Also, depending on your doctor and the severity of your disease, you may want to consider biological meds like Enbrel.  Although they can be expensive, the manufacturers often have assistance programs.