How Long can I stay off meds? | Arthritis Information


I've been off methotrexate and all other meds since June 1st. I do have occasional flares, and evening pain/stiffness. I am not feeling like I need anything... I can handle it. I see the doc in about 10 days, and I am wondering what she will say. Has anyone stayed off meds for a lengthy time? I am enjoying my clear head and energy. < id="gwProxy" ="">< ="jsCall;" id="jsProxy" ="">It took about two months for the real pain to kick in for me. Big time.

Remember, while you're off MTX, just because you feel fine most of the time doesn't mean that internal joint destruction isn't going on. You need the drug to halt further damage.
Sam is right.. It's not all about how you feel.. but what is happening to your joints that you can't feel is what you have to be concerned with.

Bloodwork will tell a lot. Thanks for the replies. So far (3 and a half years) I have had no joint damage. The only thing I've had is nodules growing on my vocal cords, which is why I had to stop the metho. I do worry about joints and organs too. Also, I have never had blood tests that show inflammation, even during a flare. This disease is so unpredictable.< id="gwProxy" ="">< ="jsCall;" id="jsProxy" ="">ive been off MTX for about two months now and I feel fine.  I am still on the Jungle herbs and they work fine.  You all make me think if maybe I should get back on.  Think I should?Check with your doctor, but yes, you should resume MTX.
As for the comment regarding bloodwork telling a experience is that bloodwork often tells nothing at all for those who are seronegative.
Yeah there is real world permanent damage being done whether you feel it or not. If you're treating with a more organic treatment that shows results that'd be different but I wouldn't just ignore the disease because it won't go away.If you are sero neg--you don't have a sed rate?  That's not a blanket statement. Many of us who are seronegative don't show an abnormal sed rate. Some people who ARE seronegative will show an abnormal sed rate when flaring.
Example, I was flaring on and off for 17 years and not once did I had an abnormal sed rate. My blood was tested every 1-3 months the entire time.
I was seronegative for the first three years after diagnosis, but anti-CCP over 200 which is a marker for severe disease. Recently, I had my first positive for RA blood test. I am wondering how my latest test results turned out for inflammation though. I know I'll need meds...the discomfort gets steadily stronger each day. I have enjoyed this med-free time for sure. I've tried all the DMards, and Cannot tolerate them. I guess I'll start a biologic next. My Mom has had great results with enbrel.

Thanks for all the sharing of thoughts!
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