SSDI Application | Arthritis Information


Has anyone applied for SSDI without your doctors being onboard?  I have not worked since 2006, had one knee replacement 2006 and the other one 2009.  Have already had one hip replaced and the other one needs it.  My feet are really bad and need repairs there also, my hands and shoulder involvement is getting progressively worse.  I have been able to maintain pain and symptoms with Remicade and Peroxicam.  When I asked my Rheumy's nurse about applying for SSDI at my husbands insistance she said that my doctor does not support applications for it.  She says she is there to keep people mobile enough so that they don't have to go on disability.  Should I apply on my own without doctors support and see what happens?  I am 59 years old.

ChrisI don't have an answer to your question, but reading about "keeping people mobile" sort of ticked me off.  In my opinion, being mobile is not the same as being able to work.  I'm not on disability but I don't feel that I am able to work anymore.  When I worked I had a lot of pain, stiffness, depression, lack of sleep, fatigue, etc. - basically ended up not being able to do the duties of my job.  Yet, I was still "mobile", although I can not walk as far.   I'd probably change doctors based on what that nurse told you.    Flamingo2010-09-06 19:09:44hmm.. that doesn't sound very empathetic...Does your RD consider your application to SSDI a failure on her part?

I would ask the doctor and not just take the nurse's word..

and if it were true and  you are certain you want to pursue SSDI, I would change docs... because I am not sure anyone gets approved without their doctor's consent and backing... I don't know that to be a fact.. but no one that I know

Good luck!
Maybe they say that because they don't want to fill out the paper work.  That is pathetic and maybe you should find another doctor.  I am with Flamingo just because you are mobile doesn't mean you can work.  SandyDiscuss with the doctor--do not take the nurse's statement as an answer.  If that is really how the doctor feels--maybe it is time to change doctors. 