Did 3 hours yard work today | Arthritis Information


Man, now my feet and knees are hurting.  I have done essentially no manual work for 3 months.  Today, some bush trimming, raking, sweeping, hosed down the driveway.  Hey, I could even bend over and pick stuff up, and walk the garbage cans out front.  I may have over done it.

Somehow things are a bit better.  I had the infusion last Wednesday, not sure if there was Actemra in it or not.  Then the trial has me taking oral Methotrexate, so I took those last Friday, not sure if there is anything in those pills or just a placebo.  I can now close my fist more than for months, and my ankles didn't swell up as much from the yard work.  Not sure if the medicines are working or what is happening.  But it was nice to work outside, I sweated like a pig  good for you!! That's wonderful news!

I hope things are working for you...

It's been my experience that MTX doesn't work that much for weeks.. if it does at that level...

Let us know how you feel tomorrow..sometimes when I feel good and over do.. it just means taking a break and giving myself some extra TLC.
Hi Babs,

I am really sore today and didn't sleep well due to pain.  But emotionally I somehow feel better because of the exercise yesterday.  And yes, I've heard the MTX takes some weeks to become effective, so I really don't think it is doing much yet.  And I am on the lowest dose, I think probably they started everybody on the lowest dose.  Like you said, I'll take it easier today, have to, but gotta take the garbage out (it never ends!).

Hopefully, somehow, before too long, my feet, ankles, and knees will stop hurting.  It just really obvious now how dependent we are on mobility.  Other than a broken ankle in my teens, I've always been able to walk freely everywhere.  Now I am quite limited that I avoid a chore that requires me to walk to another part of the house, avoid trips out of the house -- very difficult for me to adjust to this constraint.

Woo hoo!  Thanks for keeping us posted on your trial.  I'm glad you had a good day and got some sunlight and felt productive.

We do tend to overdo when we are feeling a little better, and get ourselves right back to square one. 
Many blessings for continued upward mobility!

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