prednisone and cholesterol? | Arthritis Information


Hi there,
I'm going for my yearly physical next week including blood tests for cholesterol etc. Last year my cholesterol was quite elevated (300....yikes!) I eat a good diet, I'm not a bit overweight, am on the thin side, actually. My doctor wanted to put me on cholesterol lowering medication last year, but I refused.   I'm worried that it will be high again this year and she'll push me harder to go on medication.

I think I've read somewhere that prednisone elevates your cholesterol. My doctor doesn't think this is true. I really don't want to take any more medication than I already am! I'm afraid that she will push for it this year again. Does anyone out there know anything about prednisone and cholesterol levels? I'm on 16 mg of prednisone now and not ready to decrease. I've been soooooo tired and achy since going back to work this fall, teaching. Feeling weepy and sorry for myself.

Thanks for any input.

Gentle hugs,


Can't help you on your main question, but  try this to lower your cholesterol (takes time mind you) - a bowl of proper porridge each morning and one orange a day.  Don't know if you have Oats So Simple in the states as we have in the UK.

This was the advice from our Stroke Clinic when my Cousin had a stroke at 77 (luckily complete recovery) cholesterol  8.6  - after six months 4.9.  81 today and still holding.

If and its if, you are pushed and give in, make sure it is not a statin that has a side effect of causing muscle pain.  Insist on this at least.

Hopefully someone might know the answer to the main question.

Good Luck.

Before I searched the internet, I would have thought that Prednisone doesn't raise cholesterol.  But, I'd be wrong. I searched for "Prednisone raises cholesterol?" and found that according to the links below, Prednisone can raise both HDL & LDL... along with triglycerides levels.

I've been on Pred for six months (started @ 20, now working toward 10). My cholesterol level actually improved last month to a total of 160 (LDL=82; HDL=51); triglycerides were 135 – which is good for me as mine has been high at times.  I was surprised because two weeks before my blood was drawn, my son and his four kids were visiting from out of town and I didn't eat as well as I should have (too much beef for one).

Which Drugs Can Raise Cholesterol Levels?

Handling Prednisone's Side Effects Naturally
(cholesterol mentioned)

RickF2010-09-12 13:11:24RickF

Beef=Protein.   Lovely.   

Wonder how many more have had cholesterol raised.   Me, I fall into the 'No' category.
After 4 years on steroids and starting on  high dose (60mg)  GCA  - just this last month have managed to get down to 3mg (and holding) without GCA symptoms returning and having to hike up to 60mg twice when symptoms returned.

I sometimes think 'Pred' gets the blame for everything that goes wrong when we are taking it.   So far I have found  82 listed side effects some common, some rare and some extremely rare.

I do know one thing, pred stands between me and loss or partial loss of sight.  So I still carry around two lots of 60mg in my purse.
