Locked Out! | Arthritis Information


My computer crashed and once I got it working again I couldn't log back into this website.  I tried every password I could possibly think of and still unable to login.  Very frustrating.  I finally had to use my work e-mail etc to be able to re-register.  I am glad I am back because I miss sharing all our information with each other.  Glad to be back!Hello..

who are you??
Inquiring minds do indeed want to know. Who are you?
Just another individual suffering with RA who likes to read and share information.really?   
I mean I get that you are like the rest of us.. but who "were" you when you were logged out??
I was rab023. This really isn't very welcoming.  well.. hello.. rab (rab023)  so glad you are back!! 

This was only a personal request.. if I had a "relationship" with you on here as your previous persona .. I would want to continue that relationship..

that was all there was behind MY request.

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