Just an update | Arthritis Information


I haven't posted in some time but have been reading.  I don't have any problems with cholesterol or blood pressure so couldn't add to those posts.

I'm now at 12mg prednisone and will continue until Sept 27 then go down to 11mg.  Rheumy now has me tapering 1mg every 3 weeks until my next visit in November.  Hopefully this will be slow enough to alleviate the symptoms while keeping the adrenals happy too.  Will meet the new Rheumy at the next visit.  He has very good credentials but that doesn't always mean anything.
The osteoarthritis in my back along with the fibro still gives me problems when the weather changes but overall I'm ok and can deal with it with tylenol & tramadol.  Fatigue is quite another issue though.  When the fatigue shows up there is nothing I can do but lie down and go to sleep.  It seems to strike whenever it wants.
So how are you all doing? 
Hi russellcat, I hope this new rheumy, and the tapering rate, will work for you.  Does he have you tapering because you feel better, or because your bloodwork is normal, or both?

I'm sorry about your osteoarthritis and fibro along with pmr. I think I have some osteo going on in my spine, too.  It's so confusing when there are multiple pain issues. I hope you will be feeling better soon.

Best wishes and take care,
Freesia, I'm one of the 20% that never had elevated blood levels.  My PMR was based on symptoms and rapid improvement from steroids.  I want to taper the steroids.  Staying on 12 mg is not the answer.  The goal in my opinion is to get to the lowest possible dosage while keeping the symptoms manageable.  I'd like to get below 10mg because I think at that point the chances of osteoporosis and other side effects lessens including the moon face.  Then my goal is to get below 5mg by decreasing .5mg at a time because that is the level at which the body normally produces adrenaline.
I realize that I may be on steroids for a long time but hopefully can get & stay at below 5mg at some point.  Do I feel as good as a normal 53yr old woman, probably not but I feel a whole lot better than when this PMR stuff started.  That was a nightmare, not knowing what was happening to my body or why I hurt so terribly.  I've never experienced anything like that before.
So how is the methotrexate going?  Have you noticed any improvement in symptoms? 

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