Positive feedback | Arthritis Information


I can hardly believe it!  I actually feel good! I have been so sick for nearly a month and tonight I fell asleep at around 7:00pm.  My husband said I was snorring so I must have been in a very deep sleep.  And I awoke a different person!  I was so excited I thought I would write you in hopes that I would find another having the same good experience.  Even if this just lasts for a short time, I am so happy not to have that fatigue and sick feeling that kept me from doing anything productive! Even the pain and stiffness is better. Hopefully I will feel this way tomorrow.  I have lots of catching up to do!  Don't worry, I won't over push.  I don't want to rock the boat!  Hope you are having a good evening too!  Susan LeeYesterday was the best day I have had since I got this nasty thing.  I felt like ME again.  It was overall, mood, physical, etc.  I cut my night pred dose in half and had a bit of swelling today, but still pretty dang good.

I have actually been feeling a lot better and more productive this week.  woo hoo for good days!

Crunchy and Arizonara...I am so glad to hear you are both doing better too!  I so hope we all can say the same tomorrow.  But, I am not worrying about tomorrow.  I am enjoying tonight!  Hope you are too!  Susan Lee


Az, what pred dose are you on ? I jsut cut mine tonight as well. Havent noticed the swelling as yet but who knows what tomarrow will bring, hope for none.

Seagoat, I was on 15mg, 10 in the a.m. and 5 at night.  I did 15 for a week, then cut the 5 in half to 2.5, but I am wondering if I did it too soon.  I had swelling come back.  I am functional, but not feeling as good as i was.  I think I am going to go back tonight to the regular and give myself more time. My doctor had said to go to 10 when I am feeling better and that I will probably have to be on 10 for a while.

What are you on?
arizonara38806.3370949074I worked 10hrs today, my toes hurt like they did in my last flare, but not as severe or for as long...just little twinges. I was not exhausted today though, I had good energy levels. I am going to work for 8 hrs in the AM and then off for 3 days. So, some of that old pain is trying to peak back in on me but I feel pretty good anyways. Hope it keeps up! I need to work, I need the $$$!
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