My dog has gas.... | Arthritis Information


just thought I'd share.


2 1/2 lbs of chihuahua sitting in my lap with the pure look of innocence. Must have gotten into something while we were all gone today.

Little stinker.We took our little dog in the car today.  Same thing!  My daughter was yelling, "He's deadly, he's deadly" the whole way home.

I knew someone would appreciate my plight!!!

I came home to 3 mini schnauzers who could not contain them selves and thought I'd kill over from the fumes.

I have an AmStaff I have raised since he was 10 days old.  If he gets ahold of anything but his special diet dog food... OH MY GOODNESS... he's even woke me up in the middle of the night with the horrendous green plume of dog gas hovering over my bed!!!  I put the covers over him and hope for the containment!!   Funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have two toy dogs just like yours and the daughter of the two has BAD GAS!!!

We are always yelling at her for stinking up the house, this is just WAAAAAYYYY too funny!

Thanks for sharing!

What a cute dog you have!! 

I'll have to look for some pics of my 2 little boys, Monty and Eddie

What a cutie!!!!!!! So funny, I have two little pugs, Princess and Daisy. Daisy is a stinker too!!!!I have four pomeranians and it's hard to tell which one is the culprit. They all just look at you so innocent and you can't help but laughing. My son loves to blame them for his little explosions.

That is my daughter and our corgi - Sparky.

This little guy just showed up to our house one day.  We never found his family, so he is now part of ours.  His hair is long now. His name is Rocky.

you can click the thumb for full view
arizonara38806.4263310185 Cute pictures.

MarisaWhat darling dogs. I don't have a dog but I have a grand dog named Bahia that my daughter found on the highway in Baja Ca. It was 3 weeks old, covered with fleas and looked like it had been abused. Its little tail was broken. She scooped it up(no green card) and brought it to Ca where she's been thriving ever since. That dog is the love of my life. She has a barrel chest, tiny short legs, a bent tail and a long body. She knows when I'm having a bad day and will sleep when I do, never bothering me. She brings in the newspaper in the morning. I swear, dogs have more compassion than people.

Great pictures! I love 'em! AZ, your daughter is a cutie too! Linda, it is true, dogs love unconditionally. They are wonderful for therapy!

I wonder what says about us as a group when the topic of gassy dogs brings such a positive response!!!