kokako88 now on JRA pushing the BS | Arthritis Information


Help we need to do something with this guy. Im not sure what if someone dont get him off here??

He's dishing out the same advise to a very scared and concerned mother of a very young child in terrible pain and swellings.

We all need to pull together and get this nut case back to the squirrels!!!!!!!!!

I know winter is almost over, but in this case maybe they would make an exception and find the nut they lost and place it back into the ground for next winter's food supply.

If you do not understand the good intention of respected and practicing doctor who is unusual in medical profession to denounce drug and promote health foods for humane ethic and reality, you jump and hop like a squireel. He is saying drug is harmful and can lead to other diseases. Are you going to challenge his views or ban his book. There are many other similiar publications and reports. Who are you going to discredit all those do not think alike as you are? As a doctor his main source of lucrative income is drug and yet he forgoes his monetary mean to share his over fifty years of practicing expertise and experiences to sufferers. Very few doctors will do just that.

I presume you are nutty because you like nuts! 



You've answered the call, I could hardly wait.

Tell ME about your product, I will take some time out of my busy day, research all you claim and I will post what I find back on this thread.

Tell me, do you go to this doctor you push, has he seen you in his office and told you this is what you need to do to make your problems dissapear?

What advise has he given you? Does he have a nurse you can call and speak with ?

Are the minerals and herbs you speak of packaged by an expert, or are they just harvested from the ground by someone under less fortunate means?

Well any way send me the info, and I'll go through the steps to prove you are the squirrels best customer, that is unless your afraid to be found out for what you truely are!!

Correction, not my product but the main herb I have been using for over a decade is Wild Lingzhi (Ganoderma Lucidum) and traditional Chinese herbs. Wild Lingzhi can be found in the forest. So go to the forest to find them or find a way to source them.

Who are you acting like a superior, giving orders!!!!! Show me this and that, give me reports, tell me which doctors, books bla...... Go and find yourself in libraries, read up youself in publications, do your research etc. Cunning squirrel should be able to swing, spring, jump and hope-very agile! Remember I do not owe or obligate to you. You are lucky and obligated to me for telling you the herb that relief suffering and even save life! 


Here is the following information I have researched from web sites on the product you use and are pushing to innocent people on this forum.

We encourage you to use common sense and prudence in evaluating your expectations in consuming Ganoderma Lucidum products. We do not claim that Ganoderma Lucidum products directly prevent, or cure any disease. We do not suggest that anyone should replace traditional medical treatment with our products. This site does not claim that Ganoderma Lucidum products can cure cancer, diabetes, and a host of other serious diseases and conditions, and that it results in significant and permanent weight loss without dieting. No North American clinical studies support these claims. If you are under a physician's care, it is very important that you do not discontinue or reduce any prescription medication without consulting your physician.


Hello Researcher, which website-name it, what are they selling MLM product in capsules or wild ganoderma lucidum?

This herb has been evaluated for thousand of years in Japan and China-recorded in famous historical medical books.  I have been taking them for over 15years. The MLM have been commercializing with cultivated ones.  What are you talking about. Under the microscope you think you have researched into big thing actually you know just little thing. Don't bullsh*t!!! Your intention and motive is to discredit god's gifts - naturally foods. Herbs and healthy foods like organics fourish all over the world.  Go to any website of ganoderma lucidum one can have many discoveries. Don't take this crab for granted because others in natural foods have gradually reversed their chronic diseases and you continue to advance the severity.  

What web site you ask?

One of the many you refer to as authentic.

http://www.reishirescue.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=ArticleList &SectionID=1

Hi Researcher, who is claiming? Are you building up or creating senario to claim ganoderma lucidum directly prevent or cure any disease? If you have brain matters read and assess carefully.

Don't run down on all herbs-nature's gifts. One example, artemisinin, a compound in a wormwood plant used as a fever remedy in China for 2,000 years, has recently become the world's most effective new anti-malaria drug. Prof Warrell, who specialises in tropical medicine and infectious diseases, also advises the World Health Organisation on Malaria described it as a "triumph of a herbal remedy".

So please don't send unnecessary and irrelevant message or you can not distinguish the differences or draw a demarcation. 

Thanks Researcher for the website. You really need lingzhi "to calm your mind and lend some clarity in an otherwise muddled existence" as the website's indicate one of its abilities.Koka, why do you come here?  You ruin this board.  I wish you would leave.

It isn't because your view differs, it is your attitude.  I really wish you would go away.

report, report, report-make it official!

arizonara, comparing attitude, I do not request or demand others to go away. My attitude is forthright and I posted statements with back up reasonable grounds not your childist, unreasonable, tyrannous attitude.

I have seen in a playground, a group of children were having fun that resulted a timid child being astracized, bullied and pushed around just because this child did not share the idea of the group and dislike to join the bullied group.

The person who requests others to go away must look into himself/herself and reflect from the mirror to go away and disappear instead. Never admit oneself how wrong always point finger.

To seagoat60, thanks for your lingzhi's website. I have learned more about this herb.

What is your intention to reproduce the disclaimer's clause? To discredit the herb. You should be a good samaritan and reproduce the benefits of lingzhi you have found in the web for the knowledge of others instead.

Good work for doing this research!

We are here to help and support each other, but from the get go all you have done is ridicule people who use meds, and are not interested in the herb that you use.  We have yet to see a positive word from you!!!  Please go away if this is how you are going to treat people on this board we have enough stress in our lives without having to come and see your rantings on this board.  Enough said.  meme


Ps before you start in how people are putting you down, reread your posts and notice the anger right from the get go, not a pretty picture.


But I am allergic to so many things! SO I dasn't try this herb or plant or flower whatever it is. For instance, demoral will kill me within minutes...does it not come from a flower?

I am thinking this guy is one of those  Dr.'s that works at a clinic. I have a friend that went to a clinic until her insurance changes because she was having conjestion. He would not write new prescriptions for her and told her she was having a heart attack and needed to go to the ER. She had great difficulty understanding him but was never rude to her so she thought perhaps he knew something because he repeated exact accounts from this board.

Not that she didn't respect him, it was because she is older and knows her body and will get her heart checked by a cardiologist.

Same here. People we have choices, it is our body, we get to do what we want, that includes refusal of using herbs if we want or to use bioloics if we want. Repor with Dr.'s for many of us takes time. Especially for those of us who have had 20 + surgeries and have been ill all our lives.

THere is too much aggression at this Arthritis Insight. I come here for support, rather I read for the support and kind words that so many offer. It reminds me that there are kind people out there because so many times you meet nasty mean people. I have hormonal teenagers and an x husband if I want discord.

Age length is in the genetic code and in the lifestyle...........according to research anyway.



Koko.... and Haish.....

your posts have been reported and hopefully you are on your way out!

Your posts are not welcome here. Should you wish to apologize... well that would be acceptable.

You all have a good day.

meme: In reply to your ridiculous post, you are reflecting your unruly attitude and its really sucks as your described yourself!!

I repeat again and again my attitude is forthright and I state my and all those doctors cum authors of books, the world at large who love and promote herbs and healthy foods their views and statements. In the first place WHY ARE YOU SO ANNOYED? People can form different views and perspectives. Some like to look into microscopes others like to look into telescopes. I can post according to my views in bonafide. Why you repeatedly pick on someone differs from your views? We have different paths and why are you kept blocking my path?

I have not made ridiculous, unruly and unreasonable posts nor show true colour of unbearable, hooligan attitude of flexing muscles telling others to SUCKS, GO AWAY

You have your choice and nobody is interfering you and others in your area of treatment. You can post your views I can post mine. We are from different doms. You pursue your believe and cause of treatments, others who are not in line with yours - you keep on throwing stones demanding to back off

What's wrong by posting relevant references, statements, publications of truthfulness. The sharing of knowledge is educational and bring the attention of awareness. 



trtldy41, I stand by my convictions and all others who love and promote healthy livings.

One apologises only one is in the wrong but I have been wronged many times by those who are unable to assign any logical reasons. These wrong doers only good at demanding, behaving unruly, giving unnecessary names, ostracizing, discrediting and bullying. Where is any logical posts


Don't answer, and for goodness sake don't even refer to him again, please, this will stop his fun on this site.  Love and prayers will keep us going on the right way to help us and ignore the problems in between, He wants the controversy, thinks it's fun (NOT)  to many of us here need space for knowledge and caring and helping ourselves and others.  Don't give up the ship, we'll win haishibushuohao38807.9968865741Haishibushuohao -- he already has the cure for RA. He keeps telling us about it. 

And Haish, I don't think you are a bad guy.  I think language barrier is part of the problem. 

You keep your belief and treatments.

I keep mine that is why I posted references, statements and publications of doctors, researchers, nutritionists etc. and sufferers who have same objective.

We see different angles

He makes quotes from unknown texts, possibly slanders other citizens. Who are we, to truly know if these statements are from them, over just his mouth overloading his a**. I opt for the second.

When authors write books, they make a reference page, and give credit where credit is due, this person takes their credit and makes it his own.

The holy book, instructs us very well, "A prudent man concealth knowledge: but the heart of fools proclaimeth foolishness." Proverbs 12: 23

These six things doth the Lord hate; yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. Proverbs 6: 16 - 19


You keep your belief and treatments.

I keep mine that is why I posted references, statements and publications of doctors, researchers, nutritionists etc. and sufferers who have same objective.

We see different angles


Remember he is only positing his opinion, about what he understands these people to be saying for his own enjoyment. He has an ego problem, as well as priding himself to have this first hand knowledge, that he makes claim to.

He sows discord between brethren, which we are. Im sure this exposure will not make him change, his pride is in the way, and he can not accept the error of his own ways.

I have reported this man to the FCC. They handle this sort of thing, they ar not just for the USA.

This guy is a fake, I can righteously judge him of that, as his fruits are made known to all.

I know it is hard to not respond, we must monitor his posts and when we see that he is misinstructing anyone needing help, we must step in and console them. We have private messaging and this is just the instance we should be using it, we help ourselves by helping others.

Let us remember to ignore his posts, except whne the need arrises to step in and then PM the person under attack from him.

Let us keep our own heads from his pain.

VERY WELL PUT!!!! I totally agree with you, we all need to follow this from now on.

Way to go Seagoat!!!

seagoat60, you are very correct to write the statement that I reproduce for others:

"The holy book, instructs us well, "A prudent man concealth knowledge: but the heart of the fools proclaimeth foolishness". Proverbs 12:23

When you reproduced the disclaimer's clause from the lingzhi website you were concealling the benefits and phenomenal abilities of God's gifts natural foods lingzhi. This knowledge of goodness and benefits must be transparent to chronic diseases' sufferers so that they can get well. By concealling and stating disclaimer's clause are misleading tactics to fool others. It thus reflects what you are 

I have had  once immersed  with cocktail of drugs but I came out-"graduated" to be free from drugs. Learning needs hardwork of findings and exploring the knowledge yourself since you are obligated to me for sharing the lead of God's gift - lingzhi. One has to earn from experience not spoon fed 

A good heart is to lead others to see sunlight at the end of a dark tunnel-to free from sufferings and achieve healthiness.

A bad heart leads others to more sufferings and sick-very simple

I am posting from experiences "NOT OPINION" whether "fake" or not at the end of the road you should know the answer yourself!!! Everyone has right of choice. You can form your own opinion. I am not to "misinstructing anyone....." nor I am an instructor. What a misleading assumption again and again

Nobody requests you to look at the posts, you must skip so that I can totally ignore you.

You do not have to campaign others "must monitor his posts" because I promote healthy life and living, encourage to work hard for freedom from sufferings and overcome chronic diseases in natural way. I should be recognised for awareness and contribution to healthy life and living free of sickness rather than ostracized unfairly.

I hope I can totally ignore you in this forum.

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