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naturopathy's philosophical underpinnings.

My experience with them is indirect, but here's what I've noticed:

1) Natural is always better. The definition of "natural" and that than which it is better varies by practitioner.
2) Yeast is the cause of nearly all your illnesses. Therefore you must remove from your diet all things that yeast eat: sugars, non-clear alcohol, bread, etc. Yes, alcohol is derived from yeast and toxic to them too, but that's just the ineffable nature of the yeast monsters.
3) The other cause of nearly all your illnesses is undiagnosed food allergies. They'll sell you tests to prove it, like cytotoxic screening. Sciency! Mysteriously, these allergies almost always tend to involve meats. The vegetarianism of the movement's founder, by the way, is pure coincidence.
4) Food allergies can manifest themselves in any way, often with substantial time delays. If you have the sniffles today, it's because of the lamb chop you ate five days ago. Same with arthritis, headaches, constipation, ... you name it.
5) Everything unnatural attacks your immune system, which could always use a "boost."
6) Those wicked allopathic physicians won't listen to you, and will just push some toxic pills at you. Instead, you should take large doses of the following supplements, which just happen to be for sale in the front office.
7) Naturopaths have the answer to all "dis-ease." If anything goes wrong in your body, you have only yourself to blame for not taking their advice and buying their stuff.

Posted by: madder
I'm seeing a naturopath as an augment to my traditional RD and am pleased.  
I went through the elimination diet and found that I do have a gluten intolerance.  Even though I poo-poohed her, and defended that nightshade vegetables don't hurt anyone, when I reintroduced them I had immediate joint pain.  She also diagnosed a cyclical skin rash which had been misdiagnosed by a dermotologist for 20 years.  I'm not cured of RA by any means but life is more comfortable without gluten - not just in the joints, it was affecting my digestive system, but I'd had the symptoms for so many years I'd assumed they were "normal." 
She's never told me to become a vegetarian.  In fact when I found that I could tolerate beef, lamb, turkey, chicken and fish, and told her DH and I are pretty much living on vegetables, grilled meats and brown rice or quinoa now, she applauded that plan with a warning to just watch cholesterol levels with my regular doctor and aim more for fish meals and use lean beef only.
The money I've spent on her was worth it just in not having sinus and respiratory infections back to back all the time - from dairy!
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  I think Madder's opinion is very one-sided and closed minded.  Naturopaths vary, just like doctors.  Some are crooks and some are truly devoted, caring practitioners.  
PS the only supplements I buy from her were already prescribed to me by an M.D.  - fish oil, a special form of folate because I do not metabolize it, and an herbal anti-inflammatory (cucurmin). 
PSS she never, ever, EVER told me to go off my meds.  In fact she warned me not to get any crazy ideas and stop those drugs, but if I felt better to discuss them with my RD.