It's been a while... | Arthritis Information


Just checking in.  I read here occasionally but don't post much.  I hope everyone is doing well and relatively pain free.

Autumn is upon us and I am so looking forward to it!  It's been a hot, dry summer and just the idea of cooler weather is appealing.  The leaves are starting to change and fall to the ground and I'm decorating the house for the season.  Pumpkins, harvest wreaths, autumn dishes for my tables...just love this time of year!
Still on the Orencia, doing okay but I still have my days.  I have an appt. with a Gastro doc for stomach problems...they think I have an ulcer, no doubt from anti-inflammatories and all the BC Powders I've consumed in my lifetime.  I've got to have the lovely scope thing done, not looking forward to that at all, but whatever it takes to figure it out and fix it!  I've totally lost my appetite and don't want to eat at all.  Lost weight though, that's always a plus!
Anyway, just wanted to touch base and wish everyone well.  Have a wonderful day!
Glad you are doing okay.  Good luck with the gastro problem.  I also am looking forward to cooler temperatures.  Happy Fall!Hooray for cooler weather!  Here's hoping your test will guide the doc to an ideal treatment.  Keep us posted, we do care.