Rheumy Appointment This Month | Arthritis Information


Hello, everyone. I am very new here. I have not been Dx with RA. I do take Plaquenil for Inflammatory Osteoarthritis. I never heard of this condition until the Rheumy said that is what is going on. He also Dx generalized Osteoarthritis and Fibromyalgia. I have an appointment w/the rheumy later this month. I am going to ask him about the pain level I am having. Last night I was trying to read a book, but it was too painful to hold it in my hands. I can't scrub the tub anymore,so I spray on the cleaner, wait a few minutes and then use a mop to wash off the cleaner. My hands hurt when I drive, so I bought a steering wheel cover that does help some. I can't wring out a wash cloth very well. When I try, it causes a strange aching pain in my hands. I'm not sure what is going on. RA factor was negative, only thing that showed up in my blood test was elevated CRP. The Plaquenil does help. I have muscle relaxants and pain pills, etc, and sometimes I take prednisone if I am in a lot of pain or my asthma kicks up. I haven't asked the rheumy a lot of questions. He is not very forthcoming. I am going to ask him questions at this appointment. Oh, BTW, my orhto's nurse saw my swollen wrist and ordered an xray. Shows torn cartilage and a cyst. So...MRI is scheduled for this coming Tuesday morning. Thanks for letting me vent. Peace, V
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