SoundOff | Arthritis Information



Here's the story. A man here in Michigan was outside with his young daughter. He was starting a fire. He poured an excellerant (possibly gasoline) on the fire. The fire exploded, catching his daughter clothes on fire and burning him severely on his hands and arms. His daughter was hospitalized in very serious condition. The police went to the hospital and arrested the man for child abuse. The next day the young daughter died and the Father was in jail. It's probable that the Father will face some sort of murder charges. Imagine how the Father must feel about the "mistake" that killed his daughter. Gosh, it's not bad enough that this family must go thru the pain and suffering of burying the daughter but must also have to deal with jail and the courts.
Okay, here is the other side. A Michigan female police officer was involved in a vehicle accident while she was cruisin' in her police cruiser. The accident caused the death of the driver of the other car. So what, right? Well, we have a law in Michigan that says that it's against the law to text while driving. The female police officer was texting another police officer from another city that she was involved with. Oh, you guessed it. The police officer made a mistake. She was not ticketed, did not lose her job and no criminal charges were filed. Of course the city will settle out of court with the dead persons family.
It's a shame that our government wants to make all mistakes criminal unless of course it's a public official and then, it's just a mistake.
I heard about that poor man and his daughter on the news today.  I can't imagine what this family is going through.  Now jail on top of it all?? crazy...

Lev...What's " right " and what's " legal " can be two very different things. Police Officers are exempt in many states from even using a seat belt. I'm gonna guess they are exempt in Michigan for cell phone use as well.

We need a drastic change in the laws!   
My son in law who is a city police office receives most of his call and communication on a department issued computer in his cruiser....he often types and drives...really does bother me. This is how they operate daily  That's my whole point. I'm sick of "special" citizens getting "special" treatment. Every citizen should get the "special" treatment. The whole justice system was to bring justice. Justice is fair. Justice is honorable. Justice is compassionate. Justice is cleary not so blind as to know what is criminal and what isn't. As far as the PO-PO. It's sick. We have long lived with the knowledge of the "blue code of silence" and everyone knows it was and still is in effect and it's "oh, yeah, it's been like that since the beginning of the police". That's just how it is. This female police officer knew that texting while driving was and is illegal. She knows that the reason that it's illegal is because it's dangerous. She knew it and knows it. She gives out tickets to others because it's dangerous and can cause death. She knows it. This poor man had not an inkling that he was going to cause the death of his daughter. And as his daughter is buried, he's still in jail. Probably a flight risk, I guess.
Oh, on another note, the christians that were arrested by the Dearborn police for passing out christian pamphlets at an arab festival were found not guilty. We are getting together to ship a few boxes of towels to the Dearborn police as there new headgear for their uniforms. Dearborn is the largest arab community in the United States. The year previous, the christians were continually assaulted by the festival security and other arabs. And altho the assaults were video taped, the Dearborn police did nothing but escort the christians from the festival. The assaults were not prosecuted or even considered.
Watch this. This is where we are headed.
levlarry2010-10-06 08:03:51Lev, Again the " right " and" legal "  thing. Sounds like they were railroaded for sure. I would like to know hy also.That said, they show up wearing Christian T shirts and handing out flyers at a Arab festival ?? Why? Did they really think they would convert them ?Why bring cameras ? Pretty clear they expected trouble one way or the other.  Good thing they did have video. Or they might of been toast IO,
Yep, very fortunate that they did tape it all and very fortunate that the videos lasted thru the justice system (which is very surprising) or they would be in jail right now.
Well, they probably do have a little chip on there shoulders. The year previous, they went to the arab festival passing out christian literature. This was also video taped. At that festival all the security was arab. They were all assaulted including the female by security and others for doing nothing but passing out literature. The Dearborn police escorted them from the festival. The reason that they were railroaded is pretty simple in my opinion. The Mayor of Dearborn has to kiss alot of arab but or his political carreer in Dearborn is over. It will soon be anyway as there are pretty much enough arab population for them to install their own Mayor. If that is done, I'll bet those christians won't dare go to the next Arab festival.
In case some missed it, here is the exchange between Hugh Hewitt and Gloria Allred on the Meg Whitman housekeeper.
So anyway,
I just don't think that it is right that all of the taxpayers have to pay millions and millions of dollars for the President and his wife to fly around the country campaigning for Democrats. It seems like the Democrats should have to pay for all costs associated with the Democratic campaigning.
Thanks to Nancy Pelosi for this bit of humor. During her speech before handing over the gavel, this is what she said,

"Deficit reduction has been a high priority for us. It is our mantra, pay-as-you-go."

She said it with a staight face. Must be the botox.
One more thing,
Has anyone noticed the gas prices? On average we have paid more for gas since President Obama has taken office then ever before. When President Bush was in office, democrats said the reason for the 2 dollar a gallon gas price is because President Bush was helping his rich oil friends. Hmmm, maybe President Obama has friends in the oil business? Oh yeah, President Obama and the democrats want to raise the federal tax on gas by 15 cents a gallon to pay for roads. Ahhhhh, yes.
Thank your lucky stars you only pay .00 a gallon.........

We pay .35 a litre.
THE CHEAPEST HERE is 3.27 a gal.  Our ss check hasnot been raise inlast 2 years.We're paying .50 a gallon here in Southern California, and it's been reported that it will go up to .00 by summer. And no salary increase in the past 3 years...

Here in Michigan it's about .09-.29. We are still not back to drilling for oil off-shore. It's crazy. It's absolutely crazy. In 2008 Barack, Hillary, Nancy and Harry all blamed President Bush for the price of gas being .00 a gallon. What's even crazier, is that the media doesn't even bring it up nor does our politicians. They must all have citizen paid gas cards. Anyway, here's a debate with Hillary and Barack on gas prices in 2008.
Under Bush our gas in New England was .00 plus and we were offshore drilling in the Gulf at the time.

A Republican majority just took office, the sudden spike seems a little too coincidental for me.
Green~Tara2011-01-07 10:29:59Tara,
What brought the gas prices down from .00 was that our then President George Dubya said that he would allow drilling off shore and Alaska. Wanted more refinaries. As it is, our refinaries cannot handle any addition oil. And once again, since Obama has been President, our gas prices have been on average higher than any other time in the United states and will continue up to 5-6 dollars a gallon and they want to raise the federal fuel tax by 15 cents a gallon. President Obama's theory is that the higher the fuel prices, the less driving the public will do. And as far as this jet setting President is concerned, that's good for the environment and makes us less dependant on foriegn oil. Don't you remember, he told us to tighten our belts, put on a sweater and turned down the heat. Don't you think it would be better if he were to take us all to Hawaii. Do you really think his thermostats are turned down? Don't you think that he should at least address the rising fuel prices? If it's the republicans fault, let's hear it. Don't think that I'm so one sided that I'm going to say, well, it's the republicans fault, so it's okay. The President and the other democrats were quite vocal back when dubya was President about the .00 a gallon price. So was all the media. Hush is the word now. Again, I don't have that kind of loyalty to stick up for a politician because they are this or that.That's the problem with our country. So many people are okay with any thing as long as it is their party and yet if it's not their party, it's corrupt. And especially democrats. Almost all republicans are happy to see corrupt politicians get their dues no matter what party but democrats are so vocal against a republican but when it's one of theirs they make excuses. Like you, when Dubya was President, the gas price was his fault. Now that a Democrat is President, you don't blame him or question him, you look for some "coincidence". What a coincidence that is? Every country is off shore drilling. Russia is getting rich. Canada is getting oil rich. Mexico. Not us because we allow groups like the Sierra club to make up our democrats minds along with their dollars. And one more thing Tara. When the price of gas was .00 a gallon, dubya was President, who had the majority in the house and senate? 
levlarry2011-01-07 12:49:42I get the feeling you're trying to tell me that Bush and Laura lived in a straw hut and never traveled.  And that gas was cheap when W was President.  I seem to recall the economy tanking and my husband losing his job and the company I work for downsizing by 50%.  Obama is doing the best he can with the mess he inherited.  Including a BASELESS war brought against the wrong country and the wrong bad man.  These wars are bankrupting America.  American infrastructure is crumbling and so are the billions of dollars of roads in Iraq put in by Halliburton (Cheney boy) contractors.  What is Obama supposed to do, pull jobs out of his ass?  Conservatives are in lockstep with the corporate greed that send so many American jobs overseas.  Those jobs are not coming back.

W and Cheney bankrupted this country and it is the Repubs fault, letting the banks and Wall Street romp at will, their wars and especially the alcoholic puppet's stupidity.  I hope Bush rots in hell.  I don't think anyone can get us out of this mess especially not obstructionist Republicans who want to let the rich continue to rape and pillage the working class.

I really shouldn't even have responded to you but your constant ranting gets really aggravating.  You are otherwise a nice and helpful guy and I should have just ignored this. 
gas has never been  a gal. around here yet,   Where are you from?  Who  is Dubya?
Wonder how much  gas Obama's jet or that heavy car  that was build special for him  takes.  and all the trips he goes on.  As far as  putting a sweater on and turning the  heat down,  my heat  is set at 72 day  and 45 at night.  right now our heater isn't working  been off for 2 weeks  trying to get up the 0. we need to fix.  We are setting around with coats on,  We have a small elec heater in  bathroom for baths and elec  blankets  at night.  spent a lot of time at mall or walmart. It should be fixed this week.  no one is askin Obama to stay home, it wouldn;t hurt him to cut back like He's asking us to do.
rusty2011-01-07 16:07:36Tara,
I certainly don't want you mad at me. I am just telling it like it is. Democrats were screaming that the reason for the high cost of fuels was because the President was an oil man keeping his oil frinds rich. Okay, now the oil man is not the Prsident. The fuel prices continue to rise and yet listen, hear the crickets. Nobody says anything except to give taxpayers dollars to research green energy. When George was President I was bitching about fuel prices but I liked that George said that we need to get more of our own oil and that we need new refineries. That makes sense. More of our dollars stay here. We put more people to work. Drill, drill everywhere. Who cares about the green energy in 30 years? As fuel prices rise, so does everything else. Every summer we have "brownouts" because the electrical companies have to cut back so as to not overload the power grids. Yeah, let's all plug in our cars too. Everything gets to where it needs to get by fuel. I don't like the idea of higher fuel prices being good for us. You know, higher gas prices mean that we'll have to drive less. Higher heating fuel means that we'll save fuel because the US citizens will go to bed cold and still struggle to pay the heating bills. I don't mind that the democrats were having fits about the fuel prices when Dubya was President. I'm pissed because now that a Democrat is President, they don't seem to care. And if it's brought up, well somehow, it's still Dubya's fault. We have a President that's hell bent on a green energy policy likened to Spain's. Spain's was/is a disaster. read this:

Spanish Prof. to Congress: Avoid Spain’s Failed Experiment with “Green Jobs”

Academic draws attention to the rise, fall and outright collapse of Spanish green jobs bubble

WASHINGTON – Spanish professor Gabriel Calzada appeared before the US House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming this afternoon to discuss his country’s failed experiment in directing more than billion in taxpayer funding toward the promotion of so-called “green jobs.” Calzada’s research found that for every “green job” the Spanish government created, more than two others were squandered away as an opportunity cost on the broader economy. Today, Reuters reported that “some economists warn the Spanish unemployment rate could reach 20 percent next year and remain over that level until 2012.”

Thomas J. Pyle, president of the Institute for Energy Research (IER), a free market energy think tank, issued this statement in response:

“Professor Calzada’s real-world perspective and rigorous academic investigation of Spain’s failed renewable energy mandates should send a serious wake-up call to Congress. His groundbreaking research on the extent to which a green jobs-focused economy program can actually lead to fewer jobs, and billions in squandered resources, has without question helped move the needle of this debate in the right direction.

“Allowing the government to mandate, limit, subsidize – and ultimately select — who wins in our future energy economy and who does not is an economic policy that history has shown cannot succeed. Thanks to Dr. Calzada, we know that a similar program has failed in Spain, leaving nearly 20 percent of that nation’s people without work. To install a similar system here in the United States would not only be a mistake, it’d represent the willful destruction of the future U.S. economy.”
Tara, I don't want you mad at me. I want us level. I want us to want the same things no matter what party we are.
About the wars, I know that going to war was a bipartisan decision, be it right or wrong. We are there. We need to get out as soon as possible but not just up and leave. I would like to say, yep, let's just get out of there and let chaos riegn. And if those that choose freedom and democracy are slaughtered, so what? Because of the surge in Iraq, we are close to being able to pull out and our soldier deaths are almost none. Okay, President Obama wants to take the credit for the success even though he was against the surge, okay, let him. If his memory is that short, good on him. And yep, I don't like the man. He is arrogant, disrespectful and acted like a downtown thug when the democrats were in charge of the house and the senate. I was appalled that a President of this country could talk so disrespectful about the opposing party with a stupid sh*t eating smile on his face. At least Duby brought dignity to the office of the Presidency. And still does. Even after President Obama trashes Dubya for every wrong thing of this world, Dubya won't say a bad thing about Obama. Obama even blames Dubya for his own failures. Nope, I don't like him. Now that the American people got tired of Obama and the other democrats arroganceand disconnect with the people, November slapped Obama silly to the point that he realized that his political future was in jeopardy and that he may very well become a one term President. Gosh, all of a sudden, he wears a different face. I just wonder, which one is the real face of our President?
Oh Rusty, Dubya is George Dubya Bush. Hope your furnace is fixed. I can't imagine turning my heat down to 45 degrees at nite or anytime.
[QUOTE=Green~Tara]I get the feeling you're trying to tell me that Bush and Laura lived in a straw hut and never traveled.  And that gas was cheap when W was President.  I seem to recall the economy tanking and my husband losing his job and the company I work for downsizing by 50%.  Obama is doing the best he can with the mess he inherited.  Including a BASELESS war brought against the wrong country and the wrong bad man.  These wars are bankrupting America.  American infrastructure is crumbling and so are the billions of dollars of roads in Iraq put in by Halliburton (Cheney boy) contractors.  What is Obama supposed to do, pull jobs out of his ass?  Conservatives are in lockstep with the corporate greed that send so many American jobs overseas.  Those jobs are not coming back.

W and Cheney bankrupted this country and it is the Repubs fault, letting the banks and Wall Street romp at will, their wars and especially the alcoholic puppet's stupidity.  I hope Bush rots in hell.  I don't think anyone can get us out of this mess especially not obstructionist Republicans who want to let the rich continue to rape and pillage the working class.

I really shouldn't even have responded to you but your constant ranting gets really aggravating.  You are otherwise a nice and helpful guy and I should have just ignored this. 

bzzzzzzzzz  wrong.  The creation of the bomb in 2008 was NOT caused by Cheyney.. or Bush... but it was a domino effect of things that began happening in the 70's... I have posted links here before .

The price if gas is mainly being manipulated by the commodities traders speculating in Oil Future contracts... and the decline of the american dollar...This is a concept that many cannot understand...but men/women investors are manipulating the market on oil by their obscure trading of possibilities...  yes... that is exactly what is happening.

Read this... It will help you understand:

now.. that you've read it.. you can understand how actions taken by our presidents and other countries can directly affect our gas prices... because the traders take that info and bet on OR against it.. whichever the case may be.. driving prices up or down.... so, yes, Obama's stopping of off shore drilling IS causing the price of gas to go up up UP! 
