Colds and RA | Arthritis Information


So if our immune system is overactive.... and we take medicaitons to suppress our immune system...but then we get a cold, have to stop those medicaitons so our immune system can kick back in to fight off our cold..... are we then to take things like vitamin C, Emergen-C, etc to then boost our immune system when we are sick, or does that defeat the whole purpose of the medicaitons?

Does that make since?  LOL!
I have a bad cold

I just let my cold run it's course with maybe some tylenol cold medication.  I don't bother with any of the other stuff.

oh..hope you feel better soon!  I take vitamin C 1000 mgs a day. Well I have been slacking a bit lately because of heart burn and pred and abx.
  It helps me with skin issues and bruising easily ect. If I am flaring and do not take it I have less energy and my hands knuckles split and bleed ect.
  So vitamin C actually helps me with a flare I believe I can tell the difference. I continue meds with a cold. Something like pnuemonia then you would quit taking your meds. Usually I leave that up to the doctors to decide if I am sick enough to discontinue meds.
  Chicken soup, lots of fluid. I would take the vitamin C. Actually they say it works best if you take the vitamin C everyday then it shortens a cold.
  I read some where that black tea could shorten a virus but who knows? Just because you read it does not make it true.
  Chicken soup really has something in it that makes you feel better. I think it helps drain things out of you? JMHO! Anyway it is liquid and you need lots of that.
I get pneumonia.

Milly,  You mentioned that you bruise easily.  That reminds me.
I've noticed within the last couple months that I have had some nasty looking bruises that I didn't realize I had until I scratched it because it itched (I assume the itching is part of the healing process).  I can never recall what I did to get the bruise so apparently whatever it was didn't hurt too bad.  I don't recall a bruise stinging like a bee sting when scratching it.  Anyone else have that stinging effect?  Why the easy bruising?  Is it from meds?  Is it a result of the RA?  I'm curious what is causing this.  I haven't read anything about bruising being related to RA.  Can anyone shed some light on this?
Hi Klynn,
Good to read you here again. I think that the problem with what you are thinking concerning our immune systems is that you think that the immune system doesn't kick into overdrive when we get sick. The immune system does indeed kick into overdrive and put out extra fighters. It's at that time that many of us get flares. I can tell when I'm sick because of flares. My body has sent out the army and the army (inflammation) hurts my joints. Letting a cold take it's course is good prescription. I always laugh when Rush Limbaugh is out sick with a cold since he plugs emergen-c so much. You may want to watch out for taking alternatives that boost your immune system. A good glass of orange juice (not from concentrate) and your body will "squeeze" every little bit of v-c if needed.
Anyway, you have not told us about your enbrel adventure. Would you like to enlighten us?
Thanks everyone for your comments!! Babs...thats get pneumonia often?
Hey Lev! One of my favorite people!  So Enbrel has worked very well!  Hardly any side effects, just shot reactions like welts and burns like heck but hey, I can deal with that!  A little scary how well its worked. My energy, as you noticed when you took Enbrel , has increased. I havent felt that well in gosh, a year atleast!  I am doing "normal " the house, keeping up with the kids, sleeping better etc. I had forgotten what it was like to feel normal.  I'm still nervous about taking it, what the long term effects might be, but have to just hope it is an okay drug and will have no problems.
I think I will ask my Rheumy next time I see her about taking vitamin C etc. I always thought boosting my immune system is the last thing I want to do wih RA since its already overactive.???
How are you Lev??
glad you are feeling well on the enbrel, klynn!

I have gotten pneumonia twice.. aug 2009 and now.  the cold virus I have now, affected all my healthy friends with bronchitis.. so, I can understand why I got pneumonia being immune suppressed.

I am doing great.. flying high on 50mg pred right now.. tapering down... I hate/ love this prednisone.
I'm pretty sure taking immune boosters is not a good thing. I once bought some top of the line "New Chapter" vitamins, quite expensive. With-in about a week I could hardly move. I backtracked my changes and then read the ingredients in the vitamins, yep, you guessed it, filled with immune boosters. I take almost no supplements anymore. I get my vitamin C from real orange juice (not from concentrate). Meijers has a very tasty OJ (not from concentrate) for about .50 per 1/2 gallon. Each 8 ounces has 120% of the daily value. I usually mix 80z of juice with 8oz water. I just believe that the body is better equipt to squeeze the nutrients from a natural scource. Hope you feel better soon.
levlarry2010-10-23 08:24:49Kelly, glad to hear the Enbrel is working for you!  That was my wonder drug for years.

Jen, I always bruised very easily.  I wonder if it goes hand in hand with a propensity to develop AI diseases?  I still bruise extra easy but of course all the meds contribute to that.
Hi Kelly,

I recommend sex for a cold, or just about any illness, then throw in a little drugs and rock and roll  (just kidding, no offense I hope Ramen2010-10-23 14:00:57Regarding bruising I recently asked my Dr. why I have so much of it and she said that Prednisone weakens the veinous walls therefore more bruising that takes a very long time to go away.  I started Pred. last March.Jeni, I am not on prednisone, but still I bruise easily.  Regular mystery bruises on my body don't itch, but every so often, I will "pop" a bruise on one of my fingers or toes.  By this I mean it'll suddenly feel thick and sting like hell.  I look at it and it's black.  This is without doing anything to bump it or pinch it.  These turn a pretty purple and tingle for a while, and itch sometimes while they heal.  My poor body just doesn't know what to feel, there are so many pains and sensations going on all the time!  Itching, stinging, pain...