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Mid term elections are over. Glad not to be getting all those phone calls and p[eople wanting to shake my hand. Oh and I guess Lorster is on a suicide watch after all the results came inYep,

Finally over. I watched msnbc some of the time last night. Chris Mathews, Ed Schultz, Lawrence O'donnell, Rachel Maddow, and of course, Keith (I'm so jealous of Bill O'Reilly) Olbermann. Joe Scarborough was missing in action. Wow, there was so much hate and anger especially from Chris Mathews and Lawrence O'donnell. Unbelievable how those people treated republican guests. I knew that they were biased but had no idea how downright nasty they are. They were actually infighting for their own peice of the opinions. Wow, I mean just wow.
Well, I wonder if that community organizer turned paygrade president has gotten the message. Bet not. It's not even imaginable how unpresidential our president is. He was going to bring us all together and yet he's never said a good word about the republicans or even past republican presidents, even calling republicans enemies. think what you want about President Bush, but he never talked down on the opposite side or previous presidents. Of course, he was proud of our country. There is no more eloquence. Obama sounds just like what he is, a 0.00 a week community organizer.
How 'bout that Charlie Crist? Man, is he a peice of work or what? What wouldn't that low life do to stay in office?
President Obama's trip to India is going to cost US taxpayers 200,000,000 dollars per day for ten days. That comes out to 2 billion dollars. He's out of touch. He's totally out of touch. Oh yeah, don't forget what Obama told us taxpayers to do. Tighten our belts and wear sweaters and keep the thermostat turned down. Yeah.
Well hopefully, now we will have some good change. And to Obama, yes we can and yes we did.
Where is a factual link about this 0 million a day trip?  Bush took plenty of trips, his were all for free?  He also took more vacation than any other president.  
Green~Tara2010-11-03 11:08:32Tara,
I didn't say that George dubya was eloquent. So who are you quoting? You must be with the liberal media, haha. George dubya was far from eloquent. But, he wasn't arrogant or nasty. He didn't spend most of his energy apologizing for my country. Imagine if Obama hadn't been so arrogant. Telling republicants to set down and shut up. Giving the repubs no say in anything. What if he had allowed the republicans to have a say in the health care reform. Think about it. We could have passed a healthcare reform bill where both the dems and pubs agreed. What a good start that would have been and then people would have respect for Obama. Nope, he wasn't having it. They owned the senate and the house so "they (the republicans)can sit down and shut up". That from a President? Republicans are "enemies". That's what Obama called republicans when speaking on an hispanic radio station. No they aren't enemies. They are citizens of this great country with the right to vote as he found out this morning. So now, the repubs don't have to "sit in the back", they can sit where they want.
Our world, and many issues seem to be so black and white, and so polarized, we tend to forget the grey zone is a good place.  I am a fiscal conservative, but a social liberal.  So where do I fit?  Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans want me.  It seems the media has too many people who either don't understand politics, or have bosses who won't let them (after all, all the media except NPR/PBS are for profit businesses with an agenda).  I favor a Republican house/senate and a Democratic president/executive branch.

I agree with you Lev, however what is this about Lorster?  She is on suicide watch? [QUOTE=jello]I agree with you Lev, however what is this about Lorster?  She is on suicide watch? [/QUOTE]
She is a far left liberal person who just loves the current admistration no matter how bad it gets. Can't be happy with the wave of anti 0bama fever. 
Amen to both your posts, Lev.Ramen,
I see your dilema. You are like a Republican Charlie Crist or a democrat Charlie Crist or a Independant Charlie Crist. Nobody wants him. At this time especially I want a Republican President. They have a tendancy to take homeland security much more seriously than does a democrat President, such as the one in office now. Our President thinks that the Russians and Chinese are our new best buds. He thinks that our open borders are of no security concern. I believe he actually likes our open borders. He would rather fight Arizona than fight illegal immigration. Me, I much prefer a President that is working for newer defensive and offensive weapons.
Don't worry about Lorster. As long as her browned eyed dark haired man is President, she actually has a reason to live.
levlarry2010-11-07 17:38:18Anybody else notice that Obama did not mertion the 1st Anniversary of the Ft Hood shooting ( Nov5 ) while he was in India speaking on how great the relegion of Islam isDidn't notice that, 6t5. I did however notice that he hasn't apologized for our country or it's people.........yet. He's come a long way.
Good old Charlie is found guilty of 13 ethics violations by the house panel. 4 dems and 4 pubs on the panel. Of course, Charlie says he was railroaded by the house panel. The saddest part of this is that even as corrupt as he is, his district will still continue to vote him back in. His district looks at it like "hey, he got over on the man, good on him." Of course, Nancy "drain the swamp" Pelosi had nothing to say. Hey, she didn't say anything when William Jefferson was convicted and sent to prison either. Look at the surprise on my face.
So, did anyone see that Janet Napolitano is planning to give a waiver to the pat downs of muslim women? Can you believe it. Is female muslim"junk" better than american "junk".  Oh and by the way, the man that told TSA to not touch his "junk" or he would have him arrested, they are planning on fining him 11,000 dollars. Totally unbelievable.
And California gives big financial breaks to illegal aliens on college tuitions. And a thirteen year old boy from Mexifornia, California is told to not carry the american flag on his bike. The reason? Other ethnicities don't like it and so it may cause trouble. I now understand why everyone is buying weapons.
And that's the upside down news today.
levlarry2010-11-16 17:44:30I saw the news about the college thing. You have had to gone to a California High School for 3 consecuative years. Legal or Illegal. Crazy . Remember the taxpayers foot the bill. Rangel will get a slap on the wrist. Everybody should claim they are Muslim nowSo whats everyone's opinion on the " Wiki Leaks ". Looks like it might be a corporal that did it. If true, I think he should be charged with Treason . Agreed 6t5,
I heard on MSNBC this morning that the corporal did it because his boyfriend broke up with him and he was angry. I guess he missed the "don't tell" part. What a idiot and traitor.
levlarry2010-11-29 09:28:56Who needs Fox or CNN, we have you guys.  Thanks for breaking it down for us.  That is why I like Reader's Digest, it's condensed.  I don't think that too many women read the details on all of this news.  Do ya ladies? Oh,
And the Corporal was mad about "don't ask, don't tell". Oh boy.
I just want to mention this because it just doesn't seem right. I can't stand driving by bars, restaraunts and lounges and see people outside the establishments, cold and smoking. Where in hell do we live where there can not be an establishment where people can congregate, smoke, drink and eat. Okay, granted, some people do not want to be around second hand smoke. Easy enough to solve. There can be establishments that are smoking and those for non-smokers with no smoking. It's just outrageous that in my country we have lost another freedom and everyone like the mice behind the piper just get in line and follow. It's totally unreal, really. Oh, by the way, I don't smoke.
Here we go. Did you know that lung cancer is one of the most  disease underfunded research? Did you know that 60% of lung cancer patients don't smoke? And yet, we get billions of dollars from tobacco tax and last year research funding for lung cancer was cut in half. Did you realize that a 6 dollar pack of cigarettes is really only a dollar and the rest is taxes? Doesn't that bother anyone? President Obama raised the federal tax by 100 percent I believe. And now, they all want to okay marijauna smoking. How much longer before big fat cheeseburgers are outlawed? It's got to be turned around. The elite are going to run our lives if someone doesn't start a change. And hey, isn't Michelle looking like she got a little exra junk in the trunk? Must be those vegetables they grew. Certainly not the fried chicken and ribs and desserts.
levlarry2010-11-30 16:46:06It's all happening over here in aus a well Gotta say I don't miss the smoking in a restauramnt at all. A Bar should have a designated area