the diet... | Arthritis Information


So we started off on week 2 Saturday. I have kind of been slacking this weekend but I will be making up for it this week! My goal last week was to just survive the week. This week, my goal is to add in more fiber and calcium. The body needs them both and they are essential to weight loss. The first order of business? To enjoy a bowl of Fiber One Cereal with skim milk. I used to make fun of my grandma for having all of the high fiber cereals, but now I enjoy the benefits as well as the taste. I hope you all will have a successful Monday. For those of you trying to lose, plan your meals and snacks in advance! Bring along your apples and cereal bars and water bottles.  Pop in and let me know how your day is going. I did really well this weekend.  I got off to a rough start by eating out Friday night, but I rebounded by having a balanced weekend of healthful foods.

The cauliflower right now is awesome, and the cucumbers, and the green grapes. 

I have resorted to sandwiches as a staple because at least it is fresh and healthy.   Whole wheat grains and fresh tomatoes with turkey. 

Water and supplments are not a problem. I love my water.  I have become a water fiend and I buy it by the case. 

This past weekend wasn't the best, but it wasn't terribly bad.  I'm back on tarck today though

My goal is to drink more water this week. 

Way to go guys! I think a little splurg on the weekend is long as we are back on track come Monday morning. I love sandwiches too. My favorite for warding off the sweet tooth is a PB and banana sand.  which is not to unhealthy if you use low cal bread and low fat PB.  That with a glass of skim milk is a great lunch. I always get pretty full, but you could munch on celery and carrot sticks with it and I think you have all of the food groups covered then.

I still need to find that article about hydration---I will look for it and see if I can link it.

So today was Monday, how did yall do??? I had cereal for breakfast, PB and banana sandwich and skim milk for lunch, baked salmon with greens and jambalya for dinner and some grapes and strawberries for dessert. I havent been snacking al all today...I really want to keep that up. I feel like having something now, like maybe a pickle or something. I am starting to lose my craving for the crap. It happens once you get going.

Let me know how yall did!

Yoghurt is my great dessert replacement.  Usually low fat or diet yoghurt.

I love being able to come home from work and dinner is ready.

I did pretty good I think.  Breakfast was a slim fast drink and a banana.  Snack was tea and a banana.  Lunch was soup, carrots and some light cheese.  Supper was a peanutbutter and banana sandwich.  Evening snack was some sunflower seeds. (Yeah..lots of bananas today but someone had to use them Plus I had water throughout the day.

MY daughter had a rough day at work and asked if we had any chocolate anywhere...we of course don't have any (except for Easter stuff I have put away), so I made her some chocolate chip cookies.  I'm proud to say that I didn't have any!!One of my favorites is fat-free flavored yogurt (the creamy kind) with
fiber one (or all bran) cereal mixed in. That takes care of calcium
and fiber and it almost feels like a real dessert!

Also, fat-free chocolate pudding and fat free cool whip is a good

Good luck to all of you. I lost 60 pounds over 4 years ago and have
kept it off. That was the hardest work ever! If I can do it - I know all
of you will be able to do it!

Kelly-you are going to lose quick! You eat like a mouse! I am working really hard to be satisfied with smaller portions. I know the key is getting away from the sugar/starches. Good Girl for not eating any cookies---you are the envy of many for that neat little trick!

Newsie-I swear I have done the same thing with the yogurt and fiber one cereal-it is like a little parfait! Great minds think alike! It is delicious!

I have done well today. I actually was not hungry this morning but was craving milk (which we were out of) so I had a Slim Fast shake and for the first time ever, I was full from it. I think I will get more--they are good for the vitamins and I give them to my kids sometimes for the nutrition. I had a Lean Pocket Pizza Pocket for lunch. We are BBQing chicken and eating salad for supper tonight. It is warm out ( in the 80's) so I am gonna get the grill going soon and enjoy the warm weather a bit. I might even clean out my car! Monday was soooo busy. For breakfast, 3 slices of whole grain nut bread w/ lite I can't believe it's butter spread. No lunch. Dinner was a mexican fast food salad w/ a fat free dressing. Didn't have much choice at this place. Plus we were in a hurry to get to the auto garage before it closed and before the rain started. After I got home from my running around, I was hungry. Had a apple w/ fat free milk and a rice cake.
Tonight, it's going to be Healthy choice grilled turkey dinner. Will add some plain steam vegs, never enough veggies for me. Dessert will be a bunch of grapes with my coffee. My biggest problem is cooking for one and I can't eat alot of things. So when I find things that I can eat, I stick to them.


Hehe-my biggest problem is cooking for everyone else and not eating it too! I'll trade with you Marisa!

I ate chicken legs for dinner and one FF hot dog with mustard. For dessert I had a low fat granola bar and a glass of skim milk.

I have been doing better with the fiber and the calcium so far, but I have still not been writing down my points. I have got to start tracking them. With my memory the way it is, I am not very reliable for remembering every little thing. After all, every bite counts! I will start tommorrow...I need a little notebook or something that will fit easily in my purse.

It is windy and chilly today so I am eating soup today.

I am still trying.  How are all of you hanging in there?

Breakfast and dinner was a slimfast shake...but my daughter and I went out for the day shopping and had lunch at the food court.  I had a caesar salad and a slice of pizza.  I won't have anything else to eat today though since I feel gulty about the lunch.

It's been raining most of the day and cold. Haven't got a clue as to what to have for dinner. Breakfast was my usual and lunch ,yes I ate lunch as my day started at 5AM, was a 1/2 cup of fat free pudding.
My joints are hurting and I'm tired so dinner may be whatever I find in the frig. unless I can talk roomie in to getting us some EL POCO chicken.

MarisaYou guys make me jealous! You all eat like little birdies! Crunchy, you and hubbie will be in my prayers. Hope that it's nothing serious. Please keep us posted.
