Can I vent for a Moment? WHEW... | Arthritis Information


I am tired...I love the company I work work is boring and it is getting real hard to come in this place.

I have been sick for the last 2 months. It has been hard not to put in my 2 week notice and say the HECK WITH THIS!

I have been blessed to have a company that understands...but even they are being shady...they claim they couldn't promote me because of my attendance is because of my illness they THEY LIED and said they would contintue to work with me...and as long as I work my 80 hrs every two weeks...they are fine.  LIES ALL LIES...I do the most complexed work in the ACCOUNTS PAYABLE dept...HECK...they couldn't find ANYTHING about my work cause I bust my BUTT everyday...and if I come in late I stay to make up my time.

ALL THEY COULD SAY IS, Your attendance isn't up to par.  HELL...I suffer with a DARN chronic ILLNESS for GOd's SAKE...I go over and above for my VENDORS and MY ASSOCIATES.  

I am tired...and if I felt we could make it without me working this job...and apply for one closer to my home...I'd put in my two week notice and go on short term disablity until I could ONE...feel better and TWO, work closer to home or from home.

I feel like crying today.  I know there are some who have it much worse off...SO WHY AM I COMPLAINING...Cause my body is hurting, I am having trouble sitting and walking...and I am to the point...this job and the HEAD ACHE is not worth the LYING TAIL BOSSES!  

People don't understand...and it is hard!


I am sorry for the vent...I am usually quite a positive person.  But in all gets to the best of us...We can no longer lie when we have days we feel like screaming ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

If we weren't honest...I think we'd all be in worse shape and not truly facing reality...that things do get to us...venting is okay...but wallowing isn't.

I will be fine after a few hours...right now...I just want to whine a while...and maybe even cry it all out...and I will be fine!


DesertchildI agree with you.  It IS hard, and sometimes we have to succumb to the negative emotions that are important to accept and deal with.  It is the only way to get through it so you feel good again.

I regret telling my job that I was sick.  I have seen a noticable decrease in my job assignments and I think they really think I am incompetent or they are trying to baby me.  Either way, it makes me feel like a loser.  I resent this disease when it comes to my job.  My family understands and they are so wonderful, but work is a whole other situation.


Just reading the posts this am, and seen yours.

First, if your employer has short term disab., do not give a 2 week notice prior to filing the short term., if you do you most likely will not get it, they control this area thru their insurance.

If they know you have intentions to quit it will not go thru.

Second, stick it out until you can get to your doctor, ell your doctor what is going on with your work, and ask for a letter from him to your work.

His letter should state the following,

Whether you need an accomidation to your duties, it should also state the reasons why you need these accomidations, such as illiness, your physicial limitations, medical needs, and medicational needs.

The reasons your hours of employment need to be adjusted or other accomidations, such as time off when you are sick to allow for recovery without, recourse from the employer.

All these items should be listed in his letter, the reason you must cross your t's and dot your i's, are that if at any time the lie's your employer are telling you come up and they do not accomidate for your needs this is discrimnation due to a disability. It is illegal. They know this but keep it under wraps. It sounds as if the employer is trying to make it hard on you so you will quit and they do not have to change things to make it easier for your health.

I have been thru this, when I first got sick. I worked for a very large Transportation company. I needed to be there every day, working 12 hour shifts. It was all I could do, I was getting frustrated and spoke with my doc. She wrote a letter and I was placed on short term disability. It only last for 6 months at a time, unless your doctor places a time restraint. I believe it can go as far as 18 months, each state has their guidelines and the insurance company as well.

If you are having this hard or a time now, and are debating the short term disa. you should also be speaking with your doctor about social security disability, the doc is the fastest way to get you on this. I did not know that at the time and am still going thru hearings and denils in their system, however I know have a different doctor that is willing to stand up and place me on disability. The doctor can write a letter to the ssi, with an explaination that your problems will never get better and can limit your abilities, in most cases this is all they need with your history.

If you feel you ned more info you can Pm me and I'll do what I can to help with understanding. I just did not want you to stop working and the realize your financial needs are less then what you expected and try getting back to work. I have been fighting with this aspect as well, once you have left a place for an illiness it is really hard to find gainfull employment again.

Good luck, and sorry for such a long post.

So sorry you're not feeling well...have a good cry it's good for you.  Hope you're feeling better soon.Roblyn, I am sorry to hear about your bad day(s). I know that aside from everything else it is difficult when we put so much into our job and then we are treated so impersonnally. I have seen it happen to one of my directors who had 23years with a major hospital system and had literallly opened 3 new units and gotten them running. A month after the 3rd one was opened, they let her go along with 8 others stating it was due to budget cuts. They didnt let go of the new person managing the unit or the CNO who was over all three, even though they only had 6 months with the company...because they didnt make as much $$$. What it came down to was no matter what she put into them, when it came down to their needs they kicked her and others to the curb. It is all about politics. All about $$$. And the lying is just a slap in the face. I am really sorry, it happens to so many people, but if it is in some way related to the RA you may have a chance to fight it.  good luck!

Seagoat, you seem to know so much about all of this stuff...what happens to people who have jobs like mine that require so much physical activity? There is no way to say that I cant do to much walking...I wouldnt be able to do my job.  I try to avoid pushing stretchers with pts. but once in a while a pt needs to be transported to CT or something and we are short staffed, I have to do it. I always try to get help if a pt needs to be moved in the bed, but even though that is a less common occurance in the ER than on the floors, when they do need to be moved it is often a situation where it is sudden and you have to do it alone anyways. If I cant use my feet or hands, I just cant do my job. There are days when I cant and days when I can. I dont even have a clue what my options really are.

How do you go about finding out about this stuff??


((((((( ROBLYN))))))))

Here is a big hug for you I am so sorry about work, here is a rose just for you

Working full time with RA can be so hard. Do any of you belong to unions? They are a good place to go to get help with accommodations. Our union (Teachers) has a deal where if you are over 55 and have worked with the district 10 years, they will give you a reduced workload. You work half time, keep your health benefits, and they count it as a full year of service.  I know I'm older than many of you, but the union can be a lifesaver and a wealth of information. 

Thanks crunchy,

I only know about these things from going thru them and learning what should have been done. I had to learn the old hard way a few knocks here and there.

The ADA is the beset place to find out about what employers are allowed to do when a person has a disability and can not manage on their job. Here is a link:

If and only if you speak with your doctor and he agrees that your condition is limited, or aggravated by the type of work you are required to do, ask him for help to let the employer know you have limits, have the doctor list them and specify the amount of time you physcially can perform this with out additional stress, or damage to your body. When you have this take it to the employer and by no means ever, ever give them the original.

It helps that I worked for an attorney for a few years and my husband is diabetic and got fired from his jog a year ago. when an employer does terminate your for missing work due to an illiness, disability, or while under doctors care and off work, you can file a complaint with the EEOC in your area. Always when speaking with your employer about things like this, if you can rembember great, write it down, if not get a small cheap ( 20.00) tape recorder and tape the conversation, you can write it word for word after that. My husbands employer told unemployment that he quit, but he was under doctors care and they terminated him before he was released, we are now sueing this company thru the EEOC.

Because they terminated him we lost our insurance and I was'nt able to get on with my treatments, but now have managed to do that since he's back to working.

There are rats in every hole, sometimes we have to send out a message loud and clear.

PS. Sorry I havent been feeling good last few days and not posting much, hae doct appt in am, cought cold from step daughter and cant sleep due to sever heart burn, just hope its not my heart, I also have 2 leaking valves. Just really feel like S**t.

Later, Sharon
