Diabetes may affect 33 percent of U.S. in 2050 | Arthritis Information


At its present rate of boost, diabetes can be a fact of life for a 3rd of the U.S. Population by 2050. The Centers for Disease Control released a report Friday attributing the projected trend to increasing obesity rates and an aging population. The cost of diabetes treatment is increasing along with the incidence of the disease and also the CDC is trying to slow down both with public campaigns for healthy diet and excercise. Source for this article - Obesity trends project one in three diabetic Americans by 2050

Millions don't know they have diabetes
According to CDC, about 23.6 million Americans have diabetes. That is 1 in 10 Americans. A CNN article on the study reported that if obesity trends continue, diabetes cases are expected to double and possibly triple by 2050. Right now, diabetes is a condition that 6 million people have but don't know over it. Those who are pre-diabetic and will develop diabetes unless their lifestyle changed are 57 million Americans with excess fat around their midsection, the CDC reports. Most will end up with bodies that can't produce insulin giving them type 2 diabetes.

Costs to treat diabetes goes up
There is nothing to do to prevent growing older and preventing diabetes that way. Since obesity is the biggest factor that raises risk, any person can get more exercise and have a healthy diet. Avoiding obesity can do wonders. You'll conserve money without it. 4 billion is spent annually on diabetes treatment along, the American Diabetes Association explains. Before you are 45, it is suggested by the ADA that you get screened for diabetes. Check at an earlier age if you are obese. That is the recommendation.

Cure an ounce with a pound
There is a plan in motion for the CDC to help people make better lifestyle choices in order to reduce diabetes. Its prevention efforts target communities where healthy food is hard to find and safe places to exercise are scarce. The prevention will reduce the number of cases of diabetes. Nevertheless, the CDC discovered there would still be an increase within the cases of diabetes. By 2050, 3.5 million cases of diabetes will be found without any kind of prevention. Prevention will only give a net reduction of 344,000 by 2050. That means there will still be 3.1 million cases.

Articles cited


ABC News

MedPage Today
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