Visceral Fat High Among RA Patients | Arthritis Information


Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have significantly different amounts and distribution of abdominal fat compared with controls, a cross-sectional study found.

Among men with RA, the adjusted mean visceral fat area was 45 cm2 higher than among controls, which was a 51% difference (P=0.005), according to Jon T. Giles, MD, of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, and colleagues.

This was despite the fact that mean body mass index didn't differ between cases and controls (28.5 versus 27.4), nor did mean waist circumference (95 cm versus 97 cm), Giles and colleagues reported in the November Arthritis & Rheumatism.
Oh goody, finally have a good reason!  I know it isn't healthy, but it's there. This is a fairly weak study, multiple causation vs correlation problems which are not specifically address in the review article (don't have access to the original American college of Rheumatology article).

Consider the disclaimers at the end of the article:
However, they noted that determination of visceral fat would be difficult, since neither BMI nor waist circumference measurement differed between cases and controls.

Limitations of the study included the exclusion of patients weighing more than 300 pounds (because of equipment problems), lack of information on subcutaneous fat for many of the controls, differences in recruitment for cases and controls, and use of self-reported data for physical activity.


Me thinks that some researchers are under pressure to "publish" something, anything...  New information does not equate to new insights.  I try not to automatically "accept" these things simply because they are published.

The other new research is much more interesting, that senior women who eat a bit of chocolate have a far lower health risk -- now there is something compelling!  Sure I am not a woman, but hey, chocolate is good... I wonder if it applies to Chocolate Ho-Hos as well?   Who knows, I bet I could create a research study that says "sitting in front of the TV eating chocolate for at 4 hours a day 4 times a week may have benefits" 