Chocolate Eaters may have Healthier Hearts | Arthritis Information


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Older women who eat more chocolate are less likely to develop heart problems over a nearly 10-year-period, new study findings report.

The authors found that women older than 70 who ate chocolate at least once per week were 35 percent less likely to be hospitalized or die from heart disease over the course of the study, and nearly 60 percent less likely to be hospitalized or die from heart failure.

What's nice, study author Dr. Joshua Lewis told Reuters Health, is that women did not have to eat a ton of chocolate to see benefits
YAY!!!  Best thing I've read in YEARS!~!Chocolate, welcome to my world! Now that is the sort of post I luv to see!   What a  pity that the side effects are mounds of extra fat on hips  :(

