Arthritis because a tooth ?? | Arthritis Information


There is a deep connection between your arthritis and a root canal. After 25 years of research, this is the conclusion of american doctors.

If you have a root canal treatment (endodontic) or your dentist has advised you that you need one… this article is for you. This treatment, if they did it badly, will bring you problems, It will affect your heart, and joints. A root canal treatment can damage your health, and debilitate your immune system. In addition, and this is important, antibiotics cannot eliminate this infection.

This infection (chronic osteomyelitis) as mentioned in the first paragraph, generally affects the heart and circulatory system, brain and nervous system, kidneys, joints (arthritis or artrosis) and main organs. In other words a root canal treatment can slowly kill you in a surreptitious way.

This is my history. My nightmare began like this.

I am Fernardo Rojas. In the course of my life, I have had 4 root canal treatments, and never ever had any problem. So great was the confidence in this “wise” procedure that if they had asked my opinion 4 years ago on a root canal treatment, my advice would have been “do it”, go for it " or something similar.

As chance would have it I was in Holland (believe it or not, a first world country) and needed a root canal treatment. I asked the company on which I depended (Shell Petroleum), the best endodontist (dentist specializing in root canal treatments). They referred me to Paul Wesselink, a true s.o.b (son of a b.....)

I went to my appointment with total tranquility for my fifth root canal treatment. The Dutch dentist took care of me and in the middle of the treatment I heard him shout to his assistant NEI, NEI, NEI, which means no, no! Obviously something had gone wrong. HE HAD MADE A MISTAKE. Fifteen days later after that root canal treatment
I felt like sh*t.

I got a strong headache , all my joints hurt, and my kidneys, heart, etc. etc.

All this occurred almost 4 years ago and now I feel that I'm just worse and worse. I have sharp pains in my back and chest (cancer); the doctors detected arthrosis in my joints, my brain burns (the doctors detected cerebral atrophy… something is eating my brain), my heart is doing really bad, I have pain in the kidneys etc. etc.
After they removed my molar, I continued feeling something "wrong" (it was not pain) in my jaw… Shell referred me to the best dentists in Holland and all of them with x-rays in hand "showed me" that nothing was wrong. I came back to my country and was the same. Because I "felt and knew" that something was wrong, I asked some friend of mine who is a dentist to open my jaw… he told me that that action was not necessary… I insisted and with a camcorder in hand he opened my jaw.

Surprise to everyone!!! Despite the x-rays that proved that nothing was wrong in my jaw… they scraped my bone and it was like a cheese!!!

They sent that sample to the lab and the lab told us that it was infected bone. Unfortunately, all the scrapings that they did on me were not 100 % effective and I still am the same. This can be easily corroborated by any doctor (of the good ones) that in order to eradicate infected bone (chonic osteomielitis) it is really hard… even worse if that infection is in the mouth.

This happened to me when I was 40 years old and believe me when you are 40 years old, at least you know one thing, how your body is.

If something hurts, why it hurts, or if on the contrary, you have a body that does not give you any problems you know it. And my body was like this, perfect, never had I had a single headache. I did sports regularly, my nutrition was excellent. Maybe I was lazy, vague, fat… anything that you want but I was 100% HEALTHY.

After that root canal treatment, my problems began. I had the “luck”, yes like that, luck between quotes, that this terrible Dutch dentist (catalogued there as the best one) did his work so badly, that it was more than obvious to make a link to all my evils about that root canal treatment knowing in addition that never before had I had any medical problem.

I looked in Google and found hundreds of pages, many of them written by dentists who confirmed that you can even die because of a root canal treatment. I began to assimilate myself in the subject and little by little I discovered the nightmare that I am living.

If you want to read the original site with all the links working please click here

The following is a chronology of those who wrote about this information:

More or less 80 years ago, Doctor Weston Price, was named by the American Dental Association (ADA), head of the department of investigations of this association because of his interest in exploring all of the related topics to odontology. Dr Price began to investigate the effects of the emerging business of root canal treatments in the United States. To achieve this he directed and led a team of 60 dentists in all of America. After 25 years… YES! TWENTY-FIVE YEARS of interviews, experiments and investigations into this field, he wrote his information down indicating that a root canal treatment fundamentally affects (negatively) the heart and circulatory system (high arterial pressure, constriction of veins and arteries that degenerates into a heart attack or embolia even if your heart is good), brain (stroke) and nervous system, joints and kidneys; as well he mentioned cancer.

What did the "American Dental Association" do with this report based on 25 years of investigations? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

They put this report in the darkness corner they could find and used the argument that with the discovery of antibiotics there was nothing to fear in any procedure regarding root canal treatments. In those days, the root canal treatment was a new source of income for dentists.

At the moment, in the United States alone, 60 million root canal treatments are done yearly with an average cost of 1.000 dollars for each one. Each treatment lasts 1 hour. You think that the American Dental Association will tell you in your face that a root canal treatment can kill you? … impossible!

This information, which reveals the negative consequences of this technique, was filed and nobody said nothing until 1993 when Dr. George Meinig, (link 1) (link 2) founder of the “American Association of root canal specialists” found it.

Dr. Meinig was shocked since that information faithfully portrayed the symptoms that some of his own patients had reported to him and he did not believe them or simply he did not link those symptoms to a root canal treatment.

As a result of this “discovery”, Dr Meinig retired from practicing endodontic (root canal treatments), publicly apologized to his patients and wrote the book “Root canal cover-up”.

It is because of this book that in the United States, some dentists and doctors started to take this seriously and in the year 2002 the book "Roots of disease. Connecting dentistry & medicine” was published. This book was written by Dr. Robert Kulacz (dental surgeon) and Dr. Thomas E. Levy, cardiologist.

In these pages there is a list of testimonies of patients with innumerable and varied ailments, from heart problems to arthritis etc. etc., whereby 60% no longer suffer or in the worse case the problem is diminished by removing the tooth and/or scraping the surrounding bone.

In summary these books say the following thing:

When you have a root canal treatment you have a dead piece in your organism, dead is the tooth that “has been saved” by a shining dentist. This tooth, has in its interior millions of bacteria that sometimes are released little by little. This is not always the case, as my first root canal treatments prove which did not cause me any problems whatsoever.

For reasons that still are not clear, your organism sometimes does not detect this invasion of bacteria and it does not do anything to stop it. In summary you have an infection source (focal infection) that is not detected by your body and your organism starts to deteriorate and degenerate.

Sometimes a blood test does not detect this infection (your white cells stay stable, your erithrosedimentation rate is the same, etc) resulting that the doctors “show you” with tests in the hand that nothing is wrong with you. This is like they demonstrated 25 years ago to the AIDS patients who did not have anything wrong with them or like (also with tests in the hand) they demonstrated to the patients who did not have anything 4 years ago… oops! bird flu! These doctors are a case aside!

The symptoms of your ailments can appear quickly (as in my case) or can take several years as is the common case. Can you imagine that in five or ten years your heart or cerebral problems begin? Would you relate them to that root canal treatment? Of course not… but believe me… the link is really strong.

When you have any infection in a soft tissue… there is no problem since your immune system attacks the invader. If that infection (in a soft organ) becomes severe… no problem! They put antibiotics and everything is OK but if that infection is in the bone or in a tooth with a root canal treatment this is a problem since there is no blood flow in the bone which means the blood does not circulate and consequently the antibiotic CANNOT ACT!

Of course you will find “doctors” who will say to you that there are antibiotics that act on the bone… lies! I took ampicilin for ten weeks with sulbactan and other antibiotics specialized in bones… and I continue to feel bad. I improved a little, certainly… but after 7 months again I felt bad.

Since I felt that these doctors weren't taking me seriously, a year ago more or less, I went to the faculty of odontolgy in my city and spoke with a student in his final year and I asked him (money gets what you want) to make 2 root canal treatments according to my indications. This consisted of killing the nerve and instead of putting the filling (gutta-percha) in aseptic form… he soaked this material in the saliva of the patient. After placing the filling, the molar was covered and the patients were told to return in 20 days.

20 days later both were literally crying, complaining about headaches and pain in their heart, joints etc. A blood test was done, "which proved" that nothing was wrong with them. Science lives! I am not a doctor… but because of my problems I infer that most doctors are simply obtuse.

The doctors know what they learn; and if they did not learn it or if they do not know it… it does not exist! Simplicity of mind, that is most dangerous, for patients with a little gray matter.

In medicine and related branches… we are in diapers. In September of 2006 it was reported in the press that skin cancer can be cured with genetic engineering. Click here for more information. That is good. It shows that there are doctors who are investigating but lamentably 99% of the doctors think that they know everything and that there is nothing to discover. They think that they are the rescuers of humanity and they are not updated. They do not read and they remain in the densest darkness.
If you really want to see how stupid doctors can be… just watch the program "mystery diagnosis" (based on true facts) on discovery channel. In Latin America the channel is "home & health". In this program, 10 top doctors in their fields are completely wrong (they even refer you to the psychologist). In the end just one is right… because he believes in what the patient says.

Nowadays, you can "see" this infection if they perform on you a gammagraphy with tecnecium 99 or a dentscan with 0.5 millimeters slides. (Obviously you require a good doctor who "knows" how to read this)

Finally, and as a reflection, God brings us to this world in perfect conditions… and we must leave the planet in the same conditions, unless a shining dentist crosses our path.

At the moment my cholesterol level is normal, I am not overweight, do not smoke, do not drink (never did)… but I feel that my heart for the last 4 years is working harder and I feel I am gasping for air sometimes.

These books say that a person who has this infection… will suddenly die of a heart attack or a stroke without any “apparent reason”.

My father is 82 years old and is the youngest of his brothers. They are all in excellent condition, mental as well as physical, the same on my mother's side. I am the one with pains, cardiac problems, cancer and all that. Why?

Because of a simple and stupid root canal treatment!!!

Surely you know somebody near you that has these kinds of problems. Ask him if he had a root canal treatment in the past. You will be astonished at the number of “coincidences”.

I hope to have shed a small light on this subject. Any comment is welcomed!

The greater the information on a matter, the greater the discernment!Blind Justice2011-02-02 13:17:16

Just an FYI...

Lev doesn't delete posts here.
The owner of this forum is Ernest and he was sent an email concerning the spam that was occurring.
If a post of yours was deleted, then I guess the forum owner that it was spam...
Something for you to consider [QUOTE=Blind Justice]People come to this forum to find information. No to read your “clever” stuff... (like who is this game)... [/QUOTE]
I like the "who is this game".  Gets my mind off of RA pain.
Blind Justice.

you are blind..

to the helpful information that is posted here by lev larry.

seems like it was an accident and not that someone was out to delete your post.

It's a little crippled
levlarry2010-11-12 07:17:40Blind justice, If someone drives a taxi or pilot's a jet, that does not make any difference to me.  Lev is a great contributor to this forum, so keep your trash to yourself.

Huggin ya Lev Taxi drivers are some of the smartest people around.  Ramen2010-11-12 10:20:39

In My Taxi

There Is Always

Room For

Lev, Whipped cream is on the way!   Loved the RA Taxi.  I enjoy your posts LevlarryLevlarry the Taxi Driver:
I dont want to see here, any of your “clever” post such “who is this game”. This forum is about arthritis. Then, if you want to post something... has to be related with RA. For once in your live, be productive as lynn49.
As you asked me... why here??? I transfer the same question... why here you post “clever” stuff that nobody cares. It Is not the right place.
Taxi Driver:

I am happy for you. Finally, you are landing.
Finally, you accept the fact that you are just a taxi driver. That is good.
Is the first step in your recovery process. (you are not a psychologist or psychiatrist)
Just in case, I have nothing against taxi drivers. However, for sure, the majority of you come from another social level that I’m not. Is easy to demonstrate.... read your previous post and the ones that “somebody” deleted. (all of them aggressive and insulting).
Could you please, make me a personal favor ?, Please, try to follow me in this.
If you ask to any neurosurgeon what is the best way to cut a filet. The famous neurosurgeon maybe he will try to give you a nice explication... but he is not qualified to give you any advice. He is not a butcher. Any intelligent person will go straight to the butcher to get that kind of advice.
The people who listening the neurosurgeon advices about how to cut a filet... they are not precisely clever... but for sure, the neurosurgeon, will find some followers.
For a simply logic, everybody knows that if the neurosurgeon has some training can be a butcher (just he is lowering his education)... sure that the neurosurgeon will not be the best butcher... but he can be. NEVER vice versa. NEVER a butcher will be a neurosurgeon.
Even, if the butcher read a lot. Because one single thing... EDUCATION.
The butcher has a lack of education and formation that never will allow him to be a neurosurgeon. Unless the butcher, say good-bye to the butcher store and begin a regular university student until he get the diploma that will enable him to talk with authority.

Unfortunately, you are the butcher in this example. This is precisely your case. You are a taxi driver with no education at all... maybe with some reading, and because your lack of education, in all levels, all “your diagnosis” are wrong (I dont need to remember you that you are not even a doctor´s cartoon). You start judging people, calling them obsessed or whatever... embarrassing yourself in front of people who have more education than you do. You are just a sad, simple and dark Taxi Driver.

Seems that some time ago you made another wrong diagnosis with one of “your patients”... that poor patient (another of your victims) was diagnosed for you, with some obsession disorders: Please read the post of snowowl :

Blind Justice, Or are you a former member of the forum presenting yourself as someone new, as you've developed a new obsession, as Lev wrote, and are unable to contain your disorder?

As I told you before, you are not qualified to emit such judgments... you are just a taxi driver. With an obvious inferiority complex... trying with a pathetic desperation, being something more that a taxi driver.

THIS IS IMPORTANT:. Depends WHERE you talk, showing your vast “knowledge” to get different reactions. If you talk among your own people (taxi drivers, butchers, builders etc) for sure you will impress ALL of them. They will even clap after all of your wise judgments. Because for them; you are “intelligent”. Prepared. Every single word that comes out of your mouth is wise... for them you are God... a creepy God.

If you talk exactly the same in some academic environment, or with some person with a university degree you will have some silent as a response of your “wise judgments” or in the worse case scenario, a general laugh about you. That is what everybody is doing about you. Laughing. You inspire that.
For the 500 people that have already read this topic... 99 % Knows that you are just a taxi driver with delirious of being psychologist. (inferiority complex). Every body have a smile when talk about you... a taxi driver. Levlarry... the taxi driver.

Here I have to say that is a pity that my English is not good enough... In Spanish and German I can pulverize you, with just one sentence. Plenty of sarcasm and irony... because people like you... that they want to be something else (inferiority complex) are easy target for that. Unfortunately in English I have to explain all my sentences, because my lack of vocabulary. I sound redundant. Sorry.
No need to say that; your poor education, your low social level, your inferiority complex and the weird books that you read; are stressing your half neuron to the limit. It cannot handle all of this and cause that you started emitting “funny” judgments... provoking some sad looks at you and for sure several laughs ... the weird taxi driver with dreams of being psychologist or psychiatrist.
You know that the people who is laughing about you have higher education that you do. Your people (taxi drivers, butchers etc) they are furious... because is a blasphemy to touch their creepy God.

Some people (babs10) think that you post helpful information in this forum. Sorry but i did not see any thing like that. If somebody posts a lot of helpful information, that person is Lynn49. She is really a great contributor, active. I guess, not just here.. I believe that she is a natural giver and the people around her are so lucky having her around. If she has to post some solidarity post... always that post will be nice and warm.

In the other hand, your posts are creepy. Have a look. When one of your friends (babs) was sick with pneumonia and in the caring topic about her “Babs...How are you feeling?” all her friends were so nice asking and wishing her get better... but your twisted mind wrote:


I too hope you are feeling well. Miss you. Hope you haven't gone to "the other side".


What kind of person makes those sinister and dark jokes with somebody who is sick?... just you... nobody else have trash in the head weirdo. Monothematic taxi driver (just in case nobody noticed, your theme is “obsession”). So pathetic.

If you remember correctly, In the topic that somebody deleted, I was begging you to read your own posts and change your attitude (insanely aggressive). From the beginning, you were stupidly belligerent with me.
As I wrote in my deleted topic, my intention is to help people.
Several persons were posting in my topic. ALL of them with something that you don’t have.... RESPECT. Nobody was aggressive; nobody was looking for confrontation... until you entered to scene.
Moreover, as any drunk truck driver you started emitting judgments. One more are a taxi driver; you are not qualified for such judgments.
You wrote “...They are well aware that their compulsive nature exists and is uncontrollable, but their mental illness causes them to place the original obsession in the background until attention is diverted from them to another....”
With all your post to me... you were screaming for attention!! Now the attention is on you... well done clever Taxi Driver ...
Beside all this Im convinced that you are reading garbage ... check what you are coping and pasting. You are moving in a really dark world. Read what are you talking about creepy !!

Then, Taxi driver... start coping and READING other stuff...
Like this!!
5 ways taxi drivers can stress other people

1.    Many taxi drivers honk at everything
You did not start driving the very millisecond the light turned green? The taxi driver will honk at you. You slowed down by one mile and are still over the speed limit? How dare you: the taxi driverbehind you will honk at you. You are waiting at a pedestrian walk and letting some people walk by in front of you? Boohoo! You deserve a honking.
Honking, or using the horn, can cause a lot of stress or anxiety in others. It is a perceived sign in most cases that our action is not right, and thus many people simply become nervous and upset because of being honked at for something they cannot identify.
2.    Taxi drivers drive too fast
You get scared while driving at 80 mph in a 75 mph zone. However, many taxi drivers feel that you driving at 80 mph in a 75 mph zone is too slow. Speed up! Speed limits were meant to be broken. Your car comes with the capability to drive at up to 120 mph for a reason.
Driving fast and having an even faster drivers right behind you can cause stress. I see many taxi drivers sometimes driving less than 50 inches from fast cars in front of them. I am guessing everyone has an emergency of some kind, like the emergency to avoid slow driving.
3.    Taxi drivers suddenly switch lanes without showing any sign or an indicator
Try changing lanes without showing any indicator and coming in front of a fast taxicab. You will probably be honked at, like by the taxi drivers in point #1 above. However, many of the same taxi driver will change lanes without showing any indicator or sign.
Last year a Ford taxicab driver changed lanes and came right in front of me, less than 50 or 60 inches from my car, while we are both driving at the speed limit. He did not show any indicators, and thus I had to hit the brakes and slow down myself, with cars behind me hitting their brakes also. The car right behind me could not slow down on time and I got rear-ended, with the car behind me getting read-ended also. Insurance covered me 100% through various ways because it was not my fault, but the people behind me were not that fortunate. The taxi driver who played a major role in the entire accident didn’t have to feel any stress or waste any time at all, since he kept driving and was never caught.
4.    There is usually no stop sign, no speed bump, and no respect for a non-paying walking pedestrian life for many taxi drivers
You stop at a stop sign. Many taxi drivers only slow down at a stop sign. You slow down over aspeed bump. Many taxi drivers do their best to see how high they can fly while speeding over aspeed bump. You stop when someone is crossing the street, even if the light is green and they are crossing illegally. Many taxi drivers keep driving at the same speed when they see a pedestrian walking.
I was crossing the road near a movie theatre earlier this year, at a stop sign. A taxi driver was approaching and did not slow down at all for the stop sign, where I was crossing. I had to run to save my life while the speeding taxicab passed without stopping at the stop sign. The taxicab missed me by the length of my jacket’s end: the end of my jacket touched the right side mirror of the taxicab and I felt a small pull by my jacket in the direction where the taxicab was headed. The risks Bes has to take to watch movies are just countless.
5.    For many taxi drivers, no space is too small, and no opportunity is too risky
Taxi drivers can be great risk takers. If they see a small opening between two cars, they will try to squeeze through. If they see an opportunity to pass someone by changing lanes while other nearby speeding cars are approaching in those same lanes, the taxi drivers will still change lanes and force the other drivers to slow down.
The small scratch to both cars while the taxi driver tries to squeeze through? 0. The brakes that die because a taxi driver suddenly jumps into your lane without giving you much space to avoid the taxicab? 0+. The accidents that happen because of some taxi drivers doing whatever they please because they think they have more rights over the road simply because they earn money driving?. A few lives and broken bones. The terrifying look on your face when you see such taxi
drivers jump right in front of you and the evil happy look on those taxi drivers’ faces? Priceless.
Finally Taxi driver, I beg you, dont answer this post... please dont... I dont want to waste my time with somebody of your social level.
Unless you want apologize to me. In view that was your person who started attacking me in the deleted topic.

Blind Justice2010-12-01 18:15:19Here is a clown
that keeps coming around
Obsessed with a tooth
he's very uncouth
He thinks he's a wit
but he shows he's a twit
He's not quite right
but he's ready to fight
He thinks he'll win
if he just keeps playing
This game that he's playing
all by himself
Eventually he'll win
and eventually he'll lose
This game that he's playing
all by himself
BlindJustice, FYI, this is an ARTHRITIS board so get to hell off and get a life!  Got It? I read most of Levlarry  post, most are good information,  some I don't care for.  They are like the rest of board read and believe what you want,  no one makes you read them.  I like the who is it game,  If you don't too bad,  leave the board alone,  I'm enjoying it.All I would like to say is *DANG*what 'normal' person with true RA can type posts that long and detailed.... he!! I am so tired and feel so crummy most times an post like that would be darn near impossible to write let alone read.... my "usable" time is to precious for pots like that... sorry
That's the whole point. He doesn't have RA. He has a theory about root canals being the cause of RA and other infectious diseases which has been proven to not be true. He has now changed the title of this thread from questions to a taxi driver to what it is now. He is obsessive. He came here, told his story, we weren't/aren't buying his therory, he doesn't like it. How can we not believe his theory that he's obsessed with. And then he obsesses over taxi drivers with a bunch of wasted web space about taxi drivers. I think maybe his root canal caused his unbalance.
a good site to fight arthritis with antibiotics is [QUOTE=Blind Justice]a good site to fight arthritis with antibiotics is[/QUOTE]

I love going there for a good laugh.  Fun times!
Been there, done that. It didn't work. < ="-" ="text/; =utf-8">< name="ProgId" ="Word.">< name="Generator" ="Microsoft Word 11">< name="Originator" ="Microsoft Word 11"><>


[QUOTE=Blind Justice]What kind of person makes those sinister and dark jokes with somebody who is sick?... just you... nobody else have trash in the head weirdo. Monothematic taxi driver (just in case nobody noticed, your theme is “obsession”). So pathetic.[/QUOTE]


WHO ME?  I’m not sick…..   I thought the joke was funny!!!! 


But this:



[QUOTE=Blind Justice]a good site to fight arthritis with antibiotics is[/QUOTE]



Really got me going!!  Jasmine and Babs,

Thanks for todays laughs. Keep 'em coming. Babs, that's so funny.