Rheumie meet | Arthritis Information


well now I swear, these rheumie doctors will make me crazy

I think i got my questions answered but then not...

What is IRD/RDW being 15.9 (i.e. high)


VPM/MPV being 7.3 (i.e. low)

and with those values do I really not need to worry?
She asked thems that knows... (the people who ain't rheumies)

I'm on plaquenil and methotrexate...


Both have to do with the blood cells' size and volume. Methotrexate can alter this, hence the reason for monitoring these parameters.Thank you all for your kind responses.

Having looked these values up, I don't think I have to worry. As you say Sam, its likely the methotrexate.

I wish I could trust doctors. I had a fantastic family doctor I trusted implicitly. We got along famously. This put me through a three year hell because she failed to check my thyroid levels which were pre-catatonic. She said my tiredness was grieving and stress even though i argued with her. I have learned from this experience not to take a doctor's word for anything. It's not that the ones have now aren't competent necessarily. It's my own schtick as they say...

I can't afford to annoy this rheumie. There is a five-year, count 'em, five-year waiting list for another one up here in this area of Canada. We take what we get.

yes I have had ranges outside the norm on those..

One is size of cell and one is volume I believe.

(I am so excited to have the wonderful insurance from the government that will give us wonderful long waits for doctors and small options for chosing them)
Oh well babs10, i guess its the best of all worst possible options these days, if that made sense.


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