Checking in- back from hospital | Arthritis Information


Hi forum- been a little while since I've checked in and I want to- it's good for what ails ya. Just got out of the hospital yesterday sometime- don't remember exactly when. The past couple of days have been a blur. I was admitted because I couldn't stop vomiting a couple days ago. They found a lot of fluid around my gall bladder and thought it had to go but it's still housed in my body thus far. I had a test down at nuclear med that showed the gall bladder was fine- then my liver test started coming back messed up. Son of a biscuit!

My last nurse and Dr. there must have just been playing cards in the back as I was being completely neglected. They brought my meds late- I mean really late, didn't listen and hardly responded at all. IDK what happened but I got the garbage before I left. I wanted to just go home to get the meds I needed then get readmitted. Ugh.

My folks came and visited though and that was wonderful, and the rest of the nurses and Dr.s were great! My surgeon-in-wait seemed to have severe anxiety disorder, which would bolster my confidence in his decision making since minds like that check and double check etc, but would that hand stop shaking enough to get the job done? Hehe. Hopefully he'll chill out a little before I'll need that gall bladder removed. Good guy though.

I made sure to walk a lot during my stay and do the right stuff, like I do at home to the best of my abilities. While I was in there they gave me 2 mgs Dilaudid instead of my usual Norco along with my oramorph. That seemed to be a little more effective which was helpful during that stay. In the end though it was nice to ease off of the more powerful drugs, get home and get back into my life- a life that I re-appreciate every time something like this happens. =)hospital are no fun,  sorry to hear  about your problems. 

rusty2010-11-14 21:11:39Very true, thanks Rusty.

Wow this place is a ghost town now eh? Either RA is getting worse so that patients cannot type or it's getting better to the point that a forum is not as necessary. Glad you are feeling better...