How long before it works? | Arthritis Information


I just started Enbrel yesterday and my Rheumy and her nurse said I would feel better by bedtime. MTX alone wasn't getting the job done without Prednisone. This morning, I still feel pretty much the same. Maybe not quite as stiff but still limping etc.

I have to say that the injection wasn't really all that bad. I'll be using the SureClick 50mg. It stung a little bit while injecting and was fine by the time the nurse put the bandage on.

How long or how many injections before you noticed a difference?bfils2010-11-16 05:47:04I don't remember the choir singing, right after I did this.. and not for a couple days or wks..

 Been on this for awhile.. what i do notice now, is that when I even skip one night..
EEEkk.. screws the rest , of the wk up.. and I take mine at night.. w/ sleep or pain meds.
give it a chance :)
Thanks for the reply. Getting ready to take my fourth injection tonight. I'm off the Prednisone and Celebrex, taking Aleve occasionally, so that's significant improvement. I'm still stiff a little first thing in the morning and after sitting for too long, but I can definitely live with this.

Thanks again! I was just switched from the Enbrel SureClick to the Humira pen. I have 5 doses of Enbrel left and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to what I can do with it? Thanks