Darvocet & darvon pulled from US market | Arthritis Information


Xanodyne the makers of darvocet and darvon have pulled these pain medications from the US market.  They have been under the gun for several years now for various reason but the official reason for the pull was the risk of heart problems.

this also affects the generic equivilants
my husband has arthritis,  at least 3 kinds.  He has taken darvocet  for years.  They recall  the two drug s that he was on, a few years ago  and started him on Celebrex which he had to  stop it do to bleeding.  the pain pills is all he has left.  He  had open  heart surgery in Jan.  what next

In my opinion, a drug that holds dangers should still be offered to anyone who is willing to take a chance.  I am a grownup.  Give me the information and let me decide if the possibility of damage of whatever sort is worth it to ME.  It is my body.

This will never happen in the Nanny Society that America has become.  I am so tired of being protected from my own potential mistakes and informed decisions.  I will take responsibility for myself, how about that?

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