What’s next for meds.? | Arthritis Information


Hello! with all the great insight Im getting back, Im alittle confused about why the first Dr. i saw (and later fired) didnt prescibe me anything but ibp. and plaquenil. Everyone else on the forum seems to be doing well on the meds they're on. I know my RA is getting worse, my last crp was positive and my sed. was high for my age. Does anyone else see a rheumatologist? Apparently, from all the sites I've been on, none of my previous appointments were normal, Ive never had X-rays, blood work was only every 6 months, with one appt. a year...is that normal? Welcome Desertchild. Crunchy is right. You need to see an RA doctor. They have special training and know how to best handle this.
   I was DX. in June of last year and have been on MTX with folic acid since then. I, also have OA and take Advil with Zantac. Then 2 months ago, I was DX. with a type of false gout and they added Colchicine. Plus I take a muscle relaxation med, Methocarbamol.
   The RA will take X-rays, do bloodwork, and ask you a bunch of questions before examing you. Thank God that I'm under this care. Before I couldn't move my toes and with every step, I wanted to cry. Shoes that fitted my feet were hard to come by. My ankles didn't look like ankles. My knees were killing me and forget running.
    I still can't run, but now I can move my toes and there's no pain. At last, I'm feeling hopeful and this website has been a God send.
    Desertchild, hang in there. We all care, support, and advise each other.


I have so many mixed emotions, elation that I finally found support after two years but also alittle anger. I feel I could and should be doing better, but  my happiness (from this site) is that SOMEONE can relate! Thanks for the encouragement...I know Ill be okay, its just that you cant make up for lost time when it comes to your joints-no?


Desertchild, I still have not been formally diagnosed.  But I know the feelings of frustration all to well.  My GP still thinks it's all in my head, but finally agreed to refer me to a Rheumy, which I see in May.  Keep up the fight, you are your best advocate!!  If ya have to get pissed WITH the dr. than get Pissed with the dr.!   :) Dessertchild, It took 8 years of going to various doctors  including a rheumatologist before I got diagnosed with RA.  It's a real tricky diagnosis to make. Many of the autoimmune diseases have similar symptoms and OA and RA may overlap. The medications are tricky too and it can take a long time to get the ones that will arrest the inflamation. I'm doing better but not by any way in remission. Then there are the good days and bad days that go with the disease reguardless of what meds you are on. Get a good rheumatologist and be prepared to be a guinea pig for a while he figures out what will work for you.Someone had previously suggested that maybe a younger RD would have a more open attitude for Dx.ing-I think there could be some truth to that. Just something to consider when trying to choose.
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