irritated eyelids+immune supressants | Arthritis Information


I need advice friends. I've been off metetrexate and enbrel for a week due to a viral infection and asthma. Went to the opthomologist for a routine check since I'm on plaquanil and he said my blepharitis was kicking up and I should do eyelid scrubs which involves using a warm wash cloth over the eyes and then cleaning the lids with a Q tip. This I did and the next morning my eyes were all pussy and the whites of my eyes red. The eyelids are much better now ,only slightly irritated but I  was supposed to start back on the enbrel tomorrow and the methetrexate on Friday. I'm supposed to take these meds if I don't have a serious infection but what constitutes a serious infection? I've already had 3 doctors appointments this week. I might add that the eye trouble was not bothering me before I went to the opthomologist and he told me to do the scrubs.

Maybe you should call your RD and ask if it is okay. You probably just drew out some pus that was there, but I would call and find out first. Bummer!