Seeking info to help my mom | Arthritis Information



As a starting point I suggest to read through the material at "RA Warrior".

for example:

Hi Angel,

Well, let's take care of the "looking for that miracle cure" thing first. There is no "alternative". The biggest and best help for anyone with rheumatoid arthritis is a good, aggressive medical team to include a rheumatologist.
It's my personal opinion that the best place to start is right here at this forum. Go to the "information" forum here at arthritisinsight and scan the page. You will find more information there than probably anywhere on the www. If there are still some questions, ask us. We are the most knowledgable RA sufferers and fighters you will ever meet. We aren't selling anything but are here to give you and Mom the support and real life sttories to make you and Mom comfortable and at ease even though yous will have to deal with this very serious disease. Oh, and it is very, very serious.
Get to know us. Read some of the thankful posts and you will see that most Ra sufferers can lead a fairly safe, normal life. That's the most important information for Mom. Click here to go to the "best" information center.
