Compare Remicade to Enbrel to Humira, Etc. | Arthritis Information


Other than the way the drug is taken [infusion or injection] has anyone out there tried more than one of them? And if so, how do they compare?  What about weight gain?I have only experience with enbrel and MTX..
What have you tried in the past, Sam? 

I am sure others will post.. it's the holiday weekend..and all. I have done tons...Enbrel, Humira,. Remicade, Orencia, Rituxan...

Didn't notice weight gain on any of them.  The injectables are much more convienent. I think I did the best on the Orencia.  We have gone back to that one for now and if it doesn't kick in soon-it's off to Actemra.
Insurance might be your ultimate deciding factor.
I have taken Enbrel and now Humira.  No weight gain at all.  I don't see much difference in them.I've taken Enbrel, Humira, Remicade, Rituxan, Orencia, and now Simponi. I really can't say I experienced any weight gain with any of them. Enbrel stopped working after a year or so, Humira didn't work at all, Remicade worked wonders, but I developed severe tinnitus with each infusion, so moved on to Rituxan, which didn't work at all. Orencia stopped working after about two years, and I'm currently on Simponi, which really hasn't done too great for me since I've been on it...probably close to a year. Next step is Actemra, but waiting to recover from my recent knee replacement (2 weeks ago) before starting it. Thanks everyone for your responses. To answer a few questions:  I've been on MTX for nearly 20 years and in the past year or so it's started failing me. I've been getting Kenalog shots in the joints to carry me through, but this is not enough for the long haul.
I never tried one of the anti-TNF's because I am latent TB and really too old to undergo INH treatment unless it's a life or death situation.  As it turns out, a month ago they ran a Quantiferon-TB-Gold test on me and I don't show any significant antibodies, and so I've been given the go-ahead for an anti-TNF.
I'm choosing Remicade because it will allow me to travel without having to worry about refrigeration.
I was concerned about the weight gain primarily because I didn't want the added stress on my knees [TKR is down the road].
The mere thought of the possibility of being pain free is making me almost giddy.
Any suggestions or tips?
Sam12342010-11-27 11:33:01I am excited for you.. I hope it works.
I can't say I have been "pain free" while on enbrel and that is while being categorized as "almost" in remission. 
if you reach pain free.. be SURE to share!!
LOL - I have to be careful here because if 50% of my pain is reduced I just might call it pain-free. I've found over the years that if you can get rid of half the pain the rest is just an least for a little while.true.. very true! I think the only clear cut answer is that different meds work differently for each case.  I had great results with Enbrel - over 7 years before it wore off.  Humira, I may as well have injected water.  Cimzia worked fabulously for the first shot then I started having bizarre reactions to it.
On Actemra now, 2 infusions under the belt and it seems to be starting to kick in.
As for weight gain - on Enbrel, during the first couple of weeks I did experience a little bit - say 3 to 5 pounds.  But that happens to me with each med switch up.
I hope Remicade is your magic bullet!
Makes me wonder why they don't do genetic profiling BEFORE deciding which Anti-TNF will work best for you. Like what they do for cancer. Seems to eliminate a lot of guesswork.